Culinary Blog: Had Dinner with My Family at IGA IGA


A few days ago, I had dinner with my family (my father, mother, brother, 1 sister) at IGA IGA after picking up my sister at the airport.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, aku makan malam bersama keluargaku (ayah, ibu, abang, 1 kakakku) di IGA IGA sepulang menjemput kakakku tersebut di bandara.

The four of us (me, my father, my mother, my brother) went to Kualanamu International Airport to pick up my sister. My sister arrived at the airport around 7 pm from Yogyakarta. The four of us took the car, my brother driving. Before going to the airport, we went to my aunt's house, because my aunt had an accident.

Kami berempat (aku, ayahku, ibuku, abangku) pergi ke Bandar Udara Internasional Kualanamu untuk menjemput kakakku. Kakakku sampai di bandara sekitar jam 7 malam dari Yogyakarta. Kami berempat naik mobil, abangku yang mengendara. Sebelum ke bandara, kami ke rumah bibiku, karena bibiku mengalami musibah.

Kualanamu International Airport is one of the largest airports in Indonesia. Coming home from the airport, the five of us (along with my sister) stopped at IGA IGA, a restaurant.

Bandar Udara Internasional Kualanamu adalah salah satu bandar udara terbesar di Indonesia. Pulang dari bandara, kami berlima (bersama kakakku) singgah di IGA IGA, sebuah restoran.


🍲 Iga Iga Bakso Kualanamu
📞 0813-2045-7424
📍 Gg. Datuk No.17, Telaga Sari, Tj. Morawa, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara 20362









Nice place. At that time, not many visitors. There are photos of Indonesian presidents from the first to the seventh (currently).

Tempatnya bagus. Pada saat itu, tidak ramai pengunjung. Ada foto presiden Indonesia dari yang pertama sampai yang ketujuh (saat ini).



The menu is a lot. For food, there are Grilled Chicken, Grilled Tilapia, Grilled Gouramy, Grilled Ribs, Grilled Mackerel, Sweet and Sour Tilapia, Sweet and Sour Gouramy, Iga-iga Bakso (Meatball Ribs), Ribs Soup, Bakso Urat ADS (Asli Dari Solo(Original from Solo)), Chicken Penyet + Rice, Tilapia Penyet + Rice, Catfish Penyet + Rice, Mackerel Penyet + Rice, Oriental Fried Rice, Chicken Fried Rice, Stir-fried Kale, Capcay, and others.

Menunya banyak. Untuk makanan, ada Ayam Bakar, Nila Bakar, Gurami Bakar, Iga-iga Bakar, Gembung Bakar, Nila Asam Manis, Gurami Asam Manis, Iga-iga Bakso, Sop Iga-iga, Bakso Urat ADS (Asli dari Solo), Ayam Penyet + Nasi, Nila Penyet + Nasi, Lele Penyet + Nasi, Gembung Penyet + Nasi, Nasi Goreng Oriental, Nasi Goreng Ayam, Tumis Kangkung, Capcay, dan lain-lain.

For drinks, there are Wedang Jeruk, Wedang Jahe, Orange Juice, Avocado Juice, Strawberry Milk Shake, Orange Coconut Ice, Es Teler, Cincau Ice, Hot Sweet Tea, Cold Sweet Tea, and others.

Untuk minumannya, ada Wedang Jeruk, Wedang Jahe, Jus Jeruk, Jus Pokat, Milk Shake Strawberry, Es Kelapa Jeruk, Es Teler, Es Cincau, Teh Manis Panas, Teh Manis Dingin, dan lain-lain.

For the food, I ordered Chicken Penyet + Rice (the price: IDR 26,000). For the drink, I ordered Es Teler (the price: IDR 20,000).

Untuk makanannya, aku memesan Ayam Penyet + Nasi (harganya: Rp26.000). Untuk minumannya, aku memesan Es Teler (harganya: Rp20.000).

This is our order:

Ini adalah pesanan kami:


Here are the Chicken Penyet + Rice:

Ini Ayam Penyet + Nasi -nya:




The taste is delicious.

Rasanya enak.

Here are the Es Teler:

Ini Es Teler -nya:




The taste is delicious.

Rasanya enak.

The total price is IDR 194,000, subject to 10% VAT (IDR 19,400), so the total is: IDR 213,400.

Total harga Rp194.000, dikenakan 10% PPN (Rp19.400), jadi totalnya: Rp213.400.




Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. My favorite comics are The Promised Neverland, Detektif Conan. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.
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