An Ode (of sorts) to the Egg


Life is all about balance… and considering that I got quite heavy on all of you with my last post … as tasty as I hope the reading was, I figured I would make this one a little more light and fluffy - but only if you whip it, lolz!

Ready to spice things up?! Yes?! Eggcellent!! Somebody stop me please, LOLZ!

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” - a statement we have all heard a gazillion times no doubt, but how many people actually still live by this conviction?! Well, I know I do! Sure, there was a long period in my life when I stopped eating breakfast because I was exploring “this or that” dietary fad, but one thing I have long since established through experimenting with them all, is that few to none of those trends are truly sustainable, so now I have gone back to standing by the above ‘age old testament’ and it is unlikely anybody will change my mind about it again any time soon.

I will not deny the fact that one of the ‘experiments’, specifically ‘intermittent fasting’ was incredibly effective for weight loss and I absolutely did notice an increase in my energy levels when eventually reaching that ‘state of deprivation’ after not eating for a certain amount of hours, but even after practising that for almost a year, it always reached a point in the day where I was about ready to either throw up from hunger nausea or pass out from light headedness. Neither were feelings I choose to continue adding to my daily agenda, so call me a flake, but I am going to stick to what works for me, and that is breaking my fast in the morning and preferably with those sunny little gems which have been bringing people around tables for centuries - each to their own, right?!

Enough about ‘this and that’ - can we talk about EGGS already?! I LOVE eggs!!! What is not to love, right?! And for that reason, this part of my post begins with the exclamation… “Eggs give you the Edge”, lolz! Well, they do for me anyways.

Eggs for breakfast, eggs for lunch and eggs for dinner! Alright, that is somewhat of an exaggeration, but yes - I do love my eggs, and no - I don’t eat too much of them either, because life is all about balance, remember :) A philosophy my mom lives by - especially when it comes to all these modern world diet trends. Her ethos is simple. If everyone ate all things in balance, then there would probably be a whole lot less problems and a whole lot more satisfaction. And honestly, I cannot say that I argue with that perspective.

I have already shared one of my “lazy non-breakfast” meals which is essentially like an insult to traditional Ramen the world over, but hey… what can I say - we all have our sins, lolz! For those of you that missed that (probably best forgotten) share from my intro post, here it is again… my instant noodle, ramen haha! It is wrong on so many levels, but you will just have to find a way to forgive me!

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However, to make up for that train wreck of a meal, I would like to add that most of the time I make a whole lot more effort than that! There is something so special and magical about waking up in the morning (especially on weekends), drawing the curtains or flipping the blinds and letting the early sunshine into your home. It just SCREAMS bacon and eggs doesn’t it?! Admittedly, I don’t always add the bacon aspect for the simple reason that I don’t always have it in my freezer, but I do love it when I do and this time I did! And as the photo already tells the story, I also indulged in a little avocado pear and finely grated cheese.

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Outside of the carnivorous arena is roasted tomatoes!!! I could eat a thousand of them and even though it seems like a lot of effort for one person, I often go through the trouble regardless! I think most people fry their tomatoes adding herbs and sugar, but I promise you it simply cannot compare to roasted tomatoes… especially the cute little Italian ones! Served with a generous portion of creamy scrambled eggs is absolute heaven - and everybody knows that the secret to heavenly scrambled eggs is BUTTER! Well, if you didn’t know - now you know!

Another favorite of mine which is excellent for the simple reason that it is WAY more filling than anybody would likely expect it to be and also fantastic for those who are trying to count calories. I don’t actually have a name for this “full serving” breakfast, hmmmmm… now I am thinking… how about “Boil and Bounce Breakfast Salad” lolz!! I am losing my track here… name aside, it is a tasty and vibrant breakfast plate - especially in the summer months! Pretty obvious from the photo below, but essentially it is boiled eggs, shredded iceberg lettuce and quartered fresh tomatoes. I only add on a little ground salt and pepper for taste and on this occasion, I also added a little bit of chopped up baby spinach, because fibre!


Ok, now let’s talk “egg spoils” lolz! I don’t always eat out for breakfast, but do treat myself from time to time and when I am out and about most of the time there are two ways I will take my eggs. The first is eggs benedict and the second is a bacon and scrambled egg croissant! I am not French, but oh man did they get that combo right! There is literally no toast that compares to that sweet, crunchy, buttery, fluffy deliciousness of a croissant! I am starting to drool just describing it! Little secret; sometimes I buy croissants from my local bakery and try to imitate those “out and about” breakfasts… only, I just cut the croissant in half lengthways and shove it in my toaster for just under a minute lolz! Shhh!!! Don’t tell!


Another previously shared snap below, there are countless ways to slice, dice and serve eggs and one of those delicious options is quiche! Pretty indulgent for breakfast I suppose, but life is for living and I do enjoy indulging in an egg based, spinach and feta breakfast every now and again. Besides, there is pastry involved so who is going to argue?! - Not me! I am a huge advocate for the whole “flavor combination experience” concept and there is something about quiche which transports my mind to this delectable state of taste bliss which is like the first time, every time!

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Last, but definitely not least, let us go back to where we started shall we?! To the era of “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” - The one and only… ORIGINAL bacon and eggs spread! The Alpha and Omega of breakfasts hehe! Listed last here, but generally first on any menu and definitely a lifelong “go to” for me - especially if I am a little hungover, lolz!


...I think I just wrote an entire blog post about eggs.

My brain is fried, but best served sunny side up!

Eliza xxx

PS. Come join me "on the Twitters"

PPS. Don't ever think that Devilled Eggs were not a consideration for this post... I just didn't have any photos on hand.

PPPS. All these photos are mine. Steal them and I will egg your house :)

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