[Esp/Eng] Delicioso Arroz mixto/ Delicious Mixed Rice


Que tal amigos colmeneros, un gusto volver a saludarlos, les ha pasado que a la hora de cocinar guardamos piezas de carne, pollo, entre otros, que al momento nos sobra? les traigo la solución, pensando que haría para el almuerzo, busque en la nevera y conseguí un filete de carne de res, un muslo de pollo y una salchicha, y se me ocurrió preparar este delicioso Arroz mixto 🤤


✓ 1 filete de carne de res
✓ 1 muslo de pollo
✓ 1 salchicha
✓ 3/4 de kilo de arroz
✓ 1 pimentón
✓ 1 cebolla
✓ Aceite
✓ cubito de caldo de pollo
✓ 3 dientes de ajo
✓ Salsa 79, salsa soya, sal y comino al gusto.

How about beekeepers friends, a pleasure to greet you again, has it happened to you that when cooking we keep pieces of meat, chicken, among others, that at the moment we have left over? I bring you the solution, thinking what I would do for lunch, I looked in the fridge and I got a beef steak, a chicken thigh and a sausage, and it occurred to me to prepare this delicious Mixed Rice 🤤


✓ 1 beef steak
✓ 1 chicken thigh
✓ 1 sausage
✓ 3/4 of a kilo of rice
✓ 1 paprika
✓ 1 onion
✓ Oil
✓ chicken bouillon cube
✓ 3 cloves of garlic
✓ Sauce 79, soy sauce, salt and cumin to taste.



1- Picamos todos los ingredientes.

2- En una sartén con un chorrito de aceite, sofríe la carne y el pollo por unos minutos, agregamos poco a poco el resto de los ingredientes.

3- Removemos bien, agregamos agua, cuando seque tapamos y dejamos cocinar por completo.


1- We chop all the ingredients.

2- In a frying pan with a drizzle of oil, sauté the meat and chicken for a few minutes, add the rest of the ingredients little by little.

3- We stir well, add water, when it dries, cover and let it cook completely.




Listo el arroz, solo queda servir y degustar este rico fácil y ocurrente plato.

Ready the rice, it only remains to serve and taste this delicious, easy and witty dish.

Espero les haya gustado, muchas gracias por leerme, que tengan un feliz día con la bendición de Dios, Chaíto!

I hope you liked it, thank you very much for reading me, have a happy day with God's blessing, Chaíto!


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