How to make delicious crispy taro spring rolls πŸ₯”πŸ₯”πŸ₯”

Hello food lovers like me 😊

What do you usually make at your house parties? Fast food or vegetarian dishes or barbecue? Every dish sounds appealing, right? In Vietnam, we usually prepare a lot of different dishes to treat our guests.


Today I will share with you a traditional dish that always seems to appear on the dinner table of Vietnamese people at home parties.

Taro Spring Rolls

Spring roll is a familiar dish of every Vietnamese family, but because it is made quite time-consuming and laborious, it is usually only made to treat guests or during holidays.


Depending on the regions in Vietnam, spring rolls are made from different ingredients, but the main ingredient is still minced meat combined with options such as carrots, wood ear, taro .. .

And today I would like to introduce to you taro spring rolls. This dish only appears at parties or holidays of people in Quang Nam area. I'm from Daklak so when I came here, I was surprised because its ingredients are very different from my hometown.


Taro has made spring rolls more fragrant, sweet and supple. The fatty taste of potatoes makes the dish more different and unique. Let's see how to make this dish.

Ingredients To Prepare

Rolled rice paper: 2 bags
Ground pork: 1kg
Taro: 1kg
Seasoning: fish sauce, salt, pepper, green onion, red onion, herbs
Carrots: 2
Dried wood ear: 200g


How To Make It?

Step 1: Preliminary ingredients


To have a delicious taro spring rolls with the right taste, the most important step is to choose taro and prepare taro. You should choose round taro with a rough outer skin. In my experience, you should choose taro that still has soil on it, which means it's still fresh. If you do not choose carefully, the taro will rot and make you itchy during the preliminary processing.



The taro is then peeled and washed with water. Before and after peeling the taro, you need to rub your hands with the salt thoroughly so that its resin does not make you itch. Then, you cut the taro into small, short strands and rinse them again with clean water.


Carrots are also thinly sliced ​​like taro and washed.

Green onions and herbs are also washed and chopped.

Step 2: Mix ingredients


After washing and chopping the ingredients, we mix them together. Before mixing, stir-fry the taro, then turn off the heat, add the remaining ingredients and mix them well.



Step 3: Make the spring rolls

You use thin rice paper to wrap the spring rolls, this rice paper is also one of the famous specialties of Quang Nam. There are many different types of rice paper but today I will use rice paper without dipping water because it will be more crispy and delicious.



You cut the rice paper into 3 equal parts and the size is enough to make the rolls (about 20cm), put the pre-mixed mixture in the middle, roll it up and fold the 2 sides so that the filling doesn't fall out πŸ˜…. When making the spring rolls, roll them tightly so that they don't fall apart when frying, this step is the most time consuming and laborious. πŸ˜…





After nearly 30 minutes, I made a pot of taro spring rolls, my hands were tired after this process of wrapping the rolls.



Step 4: Fry the spring rolls

The final step is to fry the taro spring rolls. You put cooking oil in the pan, the oil must be enough for all the rolls to be submerged in the oil. I used peanut oil. Not only does it make this dish tastier, but it's also good for our health.


After the oil is hot, put the taro spring rolls in the pan, flip them constantly so they don't burn, take the rolls out when both sides are golden brown.


When frying spring rolls, it takes concentration and patience, a little carelessness will cause the rolls to burn πŸ˜…. Frying the rolls is also time consuming and hot, so be patient. πŸ˜…


Taadaa... and this is my result after a morning working in the kitchen. The delicious taro spring rolls are finished, the outside is golden crispy, but the inside is soft and fragrant mixed with the fat of taro. It's really delicious.




I hope this post has brought you some interesting sharing. Thank you for reading

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