FOODlog #513: Double Cheeseburger from McDonald's Malaysia

Got some burgers from McDonald's for lunch today for the family. Got myself and my wife a double cheeseburger regular set and the kids 2 happy meals with nuggets. Don't really prefer McDonald's burgers but kids want the Happy Meal toy so... Yeah...



The double cheeseburgers are 2 patties with 2 cheeses, some finely diced white onions, tomato ketchup, and 2 slices of pickles. Have you noticed that they've removed mustard from their cheeseburger? Well here in Malaysia they have at least. I'm sure with the amount of volume that they are selling, that sums up to huge amounts of money being saved. Maybe they still have mustard but only upon request.

So is that a brilliant budgeting idea or a subtle cheating of consumers?.... Oh well...

Our drinks we changed it to Milo instead of soft drinks and all of the meals came with fries. Seems like McDonald's fries isn't as nice as it used to be. Either that or maybe coz when we were young, it's really nice and now that we've eaten many times at the same place, it doesn't taste as good as the first few times. Haha...


I also had a thought to get some burgers for the guards at the apartments where I live. Got 2 sets of chicken burgers for them with Milo and fries. Then I saw there were 4 gardeners and felt ahh I missed them out 😄


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