Making Watermelon Jelly | School Mini Project (TLE)

Hello Foodie Bee Hive! Happy Sunday! I’m Dan, your friendly highschool student blogger.

I'm excited to share our mini-project from our school's T.L.E. subject. Our substitute teacher assigned us to make fruit jelly, and there were seven groups in total. I was part of group 5, and our assigned fruit was watermelon.

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We gathered all the ingredients we needed the day before our activity, additionally we bought aprons and hairnets because our teacher required us to wear them before making the jelly.

Here are the ingredients that we used:

  • 1 big watermelon
  • 5 cups white sugar
  • 1/2 cup bottled or fresh lemon juice

Last Monday, our teacher told us it was time to make the fruit jelly. We quickly went to the T.L.E. room, put on our aprons and hairnets, and started preparing the fruit. The first step was to cut the watermelon in half, and we remove all the seeds before we extract all the juice from it. Next, we put the juice in a pot and boiled it for 30 minutes.

After boiling the fruit juice, we added white sugar to the pot and boiled it again for another 20 minutes and we slowly added the lemon juice. Once it was done, we poured the boiled juice into jars and let it cool. We stored the jars for four days before our substitute teachers tasted and rated our work.

Unfortunately I don’t have pictures during the preparation itself as we were not allowed to use cellphones during the activity. We just took some pictures of the finished product and some behind the scenes after our activity was finished.

2fGd27nZ.jpg The red one on the left side is our watermelon jelly.

Last Friday was the day that our Teachers will rate our jellies. The first teacher to try our jelly was our English teacher, who rated it 15/20 because it was too sweet for her taste. However, our science teacher rated it 20/20, praising its delicious taste and unique texture compared to other groups' jellies.

After the teachers finished rating our work, we got to try the jelly ourselves, and it was indeed delicious, and a bit too sweet too. The announcement of the winner was on the same day, and to our surprise, we won! Our teacher commended us for having the best texture and packaging among all the jellies.



Each group had different fruits assigned to them, such as kamias, grapes, lemon, and mango. We also took pictures of the jelly we made and the ones made by the other groups.



This is us right after our mini project. Just happy that we were able to finish the activity successfully.
Another project off the list before yet another examination session comes.

That is all for now, Thank you for reading my blog, and I hope you continue to support me on my blogging journey!

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