Melt in your mouth pairings 🍨


You’ll fall for this dessert pairing

Caramel On Vanilla Ice Cream 😋✨

The first time I had an indulgent caramel ice cream was at Asian Patio in Mangalore. So naturally when I came to Australia I wanted to get a similar tasting dessert for my family. So I grabbed the Connoisseur Caramel Ice Cream from Woolworth. But the taste was very different and it was unsalted. The caramel flavour was subtle and faint. And I was hell bent on trying to get better tasting dessert the next time.

So I got the Connoisseur Vanilla Ice Cream and made my own caramel from scratch.
And boy was it melt in my mouth delicious. 🤤✨


1 cup of sugar
1 cup of cream
1 tablespoon of vanilla paste


  1. Make the caramel syrup by placing the sugar into a small saucepan with water just enough to cover the sugar.
  2. Heat the sugar on a stainless steel saucepan on a medium flame until it turns slightly golden.
  3. Do no stir the syrup. This is to allow the bubbles to form and allow the sugar to caramelise, while the water melts the crystals.
  4. Remove the heat, and add the cream while you continuously stir it. Till the mixture reaches a good sticky consistency.
  5. If the syrup is bitter then you have waited too long for the golden formation of the syrup.
  6. Add the organic vanilla bean paste, for superior texture and taste.
  7. Keep the syrup in a jar and refrigerate to chill throughly.
  8. Add the Caramel Syrup as a topping on the vanilla ice cream.🍦
  9. You can serve the dessert in a ramekin bowl or ice cream cone.
  10. The trick is to get this syrup on at least two layers. Bottom and top is the perfect sinful treat, or just add a half scoop on the ramekin then a layer of caramel and add one whole scoop of vanilla ice cream and a bit more syrup and top it with half scoop of vanilla to really tickle your taste buds.


What made it more delicious was smearing the Caramel Syrup on the bottom of the cone.


This Caramel Topped dessert is thick and sticky-licious that we can’t stop Obsessing over it. They are perfect for pancakes too! But with a generous drizzle of whipped cream and syrup. Adding almond nuts will give the pancake a much needed crunch.🥞


Bean Ice Cream 🍨

Well, if you love coffee, then this recipe is perfect for you.


It’s a Italian dessert, traditionally called an Affogato, literally meaning drowned.
The scoops of gelato/ice cream drowns in the hot espresso shot. The ice cream melts and sinks in, creating a smooth creamy pool and a refreshing caffeine sauce. A dessert with just two ingredients!


Espresso shot
Vanilla ice cream
Coffee bean



  1. Brew the coffee shot using an espresso machine.
  2. Add two scoops of vanilla ice cream in the cup.
  3. Garnish with a coffee bean in the centre of the ice cream.

I don’t think it can get simple than this. A great way to finish off your meal and feel refreshed, focused and satisfied.

The best espresso’s are always made from Robusta beans. If you don’t want any milk or sugar in your coffees. Try opting for specialty beans. They are usually 100% extra strong, because of the higher caffeine content plus economically cheaper than arabica. And with the current climatic conditions the robusta plantations can withstand varied weather patterns. This bean is resistant to pests, diseases and climate change.


The coffee I used was Yeast fermented, St Margaret Estates coffee. Want to try this recipe? Do DM me to buy this fancy yeast fermented lot that we have processed this year.


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