Vacation Food is Wild Sometimes!

Hi fellow Foodies,

Today I wanted to talk a little about our eating habits when we go on vacation.


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Vacation Food is Wild Sometimes!

Many people in the world are fortunate enough, through hard work many times, to be able to afford to go on vacation. I guess "afford" is certainly a relative term! What is fun many times but challenging in other times, is the things we eat when we are on vacation!

When we are on vacation, it sometimes changes the way our brain works or something, and I know that I've personally been more adventurous with food when I'm traveling than when I am at home. Granted, I know that I'm pretty good with my food varieties as it is thankfully but when we are out I tend to go for things I may not while at home.

This wasn't exactly the case when we went on a recent trip however I did want to share this monstrosity of a burrito!

We were in the southern part of the United States for a multipurpose trip and of course when you are out on a trip you need to eat! We were looking up one of our favorite things to eat both at home and when we are away: good Mexican food, specifically burritos! Burritos are an absolute staple in our house, it's a fun and convenient vehicle to put lots of different delicious foods into one little (not so little in this case!) package.

We went to this burrito place and my wife was looking it up before we got there naturally, because we are burrito-in-tinfoil type people (not the open faced thing on a plate!) and she told me that I'm going to love the place we are going. I was intrigued but was having fun with what she was talking about so I said okay that sounds good I'll wait until we get there to find out why!

When we got there I was looking over the menu and saw this one entry called "El Hefe" burrito and it was 15$! I was naturally intrigued since I love burritos but why the hell was this thing 15$?! Needless to say I soon learned why it was so! After stuffing the ingredients in it, this is how it turned out. That's a new iPhone for size and this thing is almost DOUBLE the size of it LOL. Needless to say, it was delicious! I loved every bite of it and ended up making two meals out of it lol it was my lunch and dinner that day!


The other thing that’s nice as well is when you get to enjoy food with a pretty nice view! Starting the day with a good view and some acceptable food, not the best but good enough, is often a pretty good way to go.

We are certainly of the mind of trying to slow down and appreciate the times like this and it helps to sit and savor the food, appreciate the sound of the waves and smell of the ocean.


What’s also good is to enjoy the end of the day with a beer!


Most vacations I don’t tend to gain some weight but this one was a bit of a different trip and I gained a few pounds, thankfully only like 3 but the food was delicious so it was hard to pass it up! Lol

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