Whole wheat flour fenugreek leaves flat bread , simply Maithi ke Theple!

There are different types of bread popular in India and important thing is that instead of buying bread from the bakery mostly people make their own fresh bread from the scratch in their kitchen. Also, it is a tradition to use whole wheat flour instead of using refined flour in making any bread.

One step ahead, there are so many recipes to make any bread healthier and delicious by adding different herbs and spices.

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Among various types of bread, a bread prepared with dried/fresh fenugreek leaves and some other spices is very popular which is called Methi ka Theplee or Methi Ke Paranthe. Here Methi is fenugreek and Theple or Paranthe is a type of shallow fried bread.

Here we will see how we make Fenugreek leaves Flat Bread from the scratch.

Ingredients required

  • Whole wheat flour 2 cup
  • Dried/fresh fenugreek leaves about 3/4 cup
  • Spices like turmeric powder 1tsp, red chilli powder 1/2 tsp, salt to taste, cumin seeds 1/2 tsp, asafoetida a pinch.
  • Oil 1 tbsp for dough + some oil required during baking
  • Water to make a soft dough.

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  • Mix oil to the flour and mix well with hand.
  • Add all spices and fenugreek leaves, make a soft dough by slowly adding water as required.


  • Cover with a damp cloth and give it a rest for about 1/2 an hour
  • Now divide the dough into equal parts by making small sized balls.


  • Roll it to make thin bread.
  • Heat a heavy bottom iron or non-stick pan.
  • Bake one side on medium flame then turn and bake. Apply oil as required.



  • Bake all bread one by one and keep it in a closed container or wrap it in a cloth to keep them soft.

These Thepla's can be enjoyed in breakfast, lunch or dinner with pickle or any curry of your choice. Especially it goes well with any sweet and sour curry



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