Smoked Fish is so Delicious!

Hello Foodies Bee Hive Community! My name is Capt. Wild Bill and this is my very first post in your Community. I absolutely grateful to have found all of you. I'm going to enjoy cooking up the delicious recipes I already see here in the community. I was a Fisherman for 40 years and I went to the market to buy one of my favorite all time things to enjoy " SMOKED FISH ". I love it so much that I'm thinking about making my own homemade smoker but, smoked fish is so abundant where I'm at that I don't need to. You can smoke ANY FISH you like. Tune, Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, any fish. So if you ever get a chance to buy some smoked fish, I highly recommend it. Today I bought an Asian smoked fish which is one of my favorites. The best way to eat Asian smoked fish is to take it home and pan fry it. Thank you for reading and give smoked fish a chance next time. It's very delicious.

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