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"What do you mean there's nothing for supper?! Just whip up something from leftovers in the fridge." BuckarooFarmer and the BuckarooBabies came tumbling into the house muddy, exhausted and hungry.
"Our fridge and cupboards are barer than old mother Hubbard's" I threw open the fridge for emphasis.
"I've been saying we need to go to market"
"There's still a cauliflower in the garden" said one of the kiddos. My husband laughed at my dispairing face;
"There's that mozarella just waiting to become a pizza."
Suddenly everyone was dancing around shouting "PIZZA! PIZZA!"
I was about to throw the mozarella at the mob when I remembered the fabulous Keto pizza base recipe that our very own @dswigle had shared a year or so ago. Hmmmmm. It's avo season and I have just bottled last year's olives. All the ingredients we need to whip up a delux pizza.

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For those with gluten intolerance or sticking to low - no - carb diet; this Keto pizza base is the bomb. Literally. I'm not a big cauliflower lover. However I do L.O.V.E. cheese. The combination of the two makes the pizza base a winner. All you need are three basic ingredients and a hot oven.

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3 Cups course grated raw cauliflower
3 Cups course grated mozarella cheese
3 free-range eggs (thanks Buckaroo chickens)

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Pop everything into a mixing bowl and lightly mix with a fork. Don't be concerned about the appearance which looks anything but doughy.

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Turn your oven on 180 C and prepare a large oven dish. Oil and line with parchment paper. It's advisable to thoroughly oil the parchment paper too. Scoop about 1/3 of the mix onto the parchment paper and pat into a thin round base. I found that it rips apart if it is too thick.

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Pop into the oven for a few minutes until the underside browns. You will notice that the melting mozarella binds the pizza base together beautifully.

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Carefully flip and return to the oven to complete baking the other side. While the base bakes through prepare your topping. I always have sundried tomatoes available which make an incredible paste with some garlic, oregano and fresh tomato. Buckaroos love avo. On anything. With some fresh coriander, avocado and olives the pizza surpassed our expectations.

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Despite dire thoughts that everyone would go to bed hungry, we had a yummy pizza and leftovers! The last pizza base went to the fridge for hangry snacks the following day. What I discovered was a cold Keto pizza base makes the best wraps. So the following day I chopped up similar ingredients as the pizza topping and rolled up the wrap for a delectable lunch.

Who would've thought fast-food could be so deliciously nourishing!

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