RE: The homeless meal is changing , but we fed over 60 today.

That is bizarre. You would think if they were so well hidden that the city would not care. So are they moving on to another city?

I am confused with your connection between "liberal" and making it illegal to feed them. Usually the liberals are described as the bleeding hearts, aren't they? They are the ones endorsing welfare funding for the poor and increasing availability of social programs like subsidized housing and food stamps.

The political terms 'liberal' and 'liberalism' mean something different outside of the United States. In general, liberalism is associated with freedom of the market. In the US, 'conservatives' like Tucker Carlson will complain about 'liberals' and describe members of the Democratic Party as 'liberals'--and they certainly are liberals in the sense they endorse free markets, but they are still to the right of 'conservatives' as 'conservatism' is represented in various other nations, including Canada. :-P

So much fun. Don't hate me. :-D

Thanks so much for the delegation!

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