Baked Fluffy Milk Cake; First Time In The Community.

Food is life but cooking is more than life itself. I love cooking more than I love to eat.

Don't get me wrong, it is not that I don't like food, I do, but... My stomach never seems to agree with me.

"It will be well appreciated if anyone can tell me why or give a solution to it"

It has been years since I baked and I am not so good at it so you may have to pardon my Kitchen usage of words, If I have any. Also, any point-out corrections will be duly noted and I will learn from them.

And, I have to confess that the love and passion attached to cooking are unexplainable, and in this pattern, I have found my way here for the very first time to show off a part of my cooking skills.

But in this aspect, we are looking towards baking.

I decided to make today different and bake a cake, hehe. It was a lot of work and I can still feel pain in my hands from stirring.

Here we have a milk-flavored cake by yours truly.



•Milk Flavor
•Baking powder
•Icing sugar

Materials needed.

•Baking pan
•Hand towel.


•Filter the flour before use


•Open the margarine and put it in a bowl with sugar then stir with hands or machine until it is fluffy.

"I made use of my hand and it was very stressful, but I did it anyways".

When stirring the margarine and sugar together, you will find the color changing until it is white.

•Get a bowl and break the eggs to be used.


Stir the egg before pouring them into the margarine and sugar mixture and continue stirring until you can't feel the presence of the sugar again.

•After that, add the nutmeg, milk flavor, and preservative to the mixture, or...

"You can add the flour, milk flavor, nutmeg, and preservative in another bowl and mix but, in my case, I added them to the mixture".

•Continue stirring, while you add the fruit and flour to the mixture then use your hands to flip the mixture up and down repeatedly until you get a smooth paste.

•After that, you can clean your pan before adding the margarine inside to help make the cake easier to remove when baked.

•The mixture can go into the pan after that while you get your oven ready to work.

•Bake the cake and check after some minutes to check if it is ready.


When the cake is ready, "not to be eaten, yet..." take it out from the oven and allow it to cool before adding the icing.

Icing Sugar preparation.

Get a clean bowl and break one egg or two and more depending on your cake size.

After that, pour the icing sugar into the whisked egg and add any color of your choice then mix until you get a clean paste.


Then start adding the paste to the cake.

Get your icing sugar equipment and decorate it to your choice.


I used a knife to decorate as I am not yet a certified baker. Haha.

"It will be surprising if you understand what is written but, if you do, let me know as I need to give myself ten billion points".

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading

All images used are mine.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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