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Homemade Baim Fish Fry Recipe

Homemade baim fish fry recipe

Baim fish is a favorite fish of all people in our country . Many kinds of recipes can be made with this baim fish . Today I made baim fish fry .This baim fish fry with just onion is a very tasty recipe to eat . You can easily make this baim fish fry recipe at home if you want . This baim fish recipe is a favorite food of me and my family . Today I will share with you through this post how I cooked baim fish fry recipe .

First, I cut the baim fish into pieces and cleaned it well with water .

I added half a teaspoon of turmeric powder, half a teaspoon of chilli powder, half a teaspoon of coriander powder, half a teaspoon of cumin seeds and half a teaspoon of salt to the baim fish.

Mix well .

Chop a garlic.

I have taken 2 onion pieces here .

I will add chopped onion and garlic with spiced fish .

Mix well and wait for fifteen minutes .

Now heat the oil with a pan in the oven .

When the oil is hot, I will leave the fish in the oil and fry on low heat .

After frying for ten minutes, delicious baim fish fry recipe will be made .

Now you can serve as you like .

The home-made baim fish fry recipe was made very easily . I hope you like my baim fish fry recipe today . Feel free to comment me . Thank you all .

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