When Life Give You Lemons

Lemons are something of an exotic & expensive luxury here in Thailand, where we use LIMES by preference, which are always abundant, local and cheap. But over the last few years, a few more lemons have been surfacing at local markets as clever Thai people have started to grow what they think western expats and tourists (with - they think 😆 - more money to spend) want.

FFWD to last week when I was at the vegetarian co-op in town picking up Black Rice, when I saw these beauties!!


I bought only 2 at 15 baht (USD $0.50) each, thinking initially they were Som-O (pomelos) - an Asian less-bitter sort of grapefruit.

"NOT Som-O, Madame!" the sales assistant laughed. "Is lemon. BIG lemon."

As soon as I got back to the office, I put the bigger of the two lemons on a scale, only to discover that the bigger one weighed in a OVER 1 KG. The smaller of the two lemons?


850 grams!

The SIZE of them presented somewhat of a practical problem. 🍋😆


And so I ended up gouging out a small segment with a small sharp knife and putting it through my small teak hand-lime squeezer.

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That worked! Yay!! And they were just so absurdly juicy!


They lacked the serious sharpness of a true lemon and a discerning palette (mine!) was able to detect a distinct pomelo-grapefruit after-taste. Very delish, I might add, and perfect for a vodka & soda cocktail. 🍸

My purist organic friends made suggestions it was some weird frankenfood, since the first fruit I cut had not even one seed. But I was THRILLED to see the second fruit full of mature seeds ready to plant.

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YES, I am going to grow them and see what happens and I had more than enough seeds to share with a friend. Cos the world can never have enough healthy, vitamin C rich citrus for mixing with green tea or vodka, or adding to baking, salads and yummy Thai food recipes.

I'm still none the wiser HOW these huge 'lemons' came into being here in Northern Thailand, but not getting too stressed about it and, rather, feeling grateful.

If life gives you BIG lemons, make more lemonade! 🤣 That should be MUCH easier now.


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