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Monsoonal Comfort Food: Mushroom, Potato & Celery Soup

When the monsoonal deluges fall, nothing is more nourishing or comforting than soup. And what better to use than mushrooms, which (honestly!) are almost growing on the walls in September. Yes, it IS that damp, hot & humid in monsoonal Thailand right now.

How many dishes can one possibly concoct from mushrooms? You'd be amazed!! We eat one variety or another almost everyday - they are absurdly cheap and EVERYWHERE.

The real challenge is to mix it up in terms of nuances and flvours, and to create something different from mushrooms. So, on a rainy Saturday I just about CHEERED to find the ONLY celery in the market. Western celery is considered an exotic vegetable and not eaten much by Thai people - it's grown locally for restaurants and tourist juice bars and, with most of them being still closed due to Covid-19, the celery too was unusually cheap. Scored!!

So - a creamy mushroom, potato & celery soup it was!

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I chose local Thai straw mushrooms, which grow on the stalks of the rice.

  • Two big handfuls of straw mushrooms (locally called Hed Fang)
  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 big stalks of celery, complete with leaves
  • 5 big cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • Mineral Salt
  • Cracked Black Pepper
  • Thyme
  • A handful of fresh green spring onions
  • Half a cup of coconut cream.

First, a little chopping & slicing.

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Got my salt, herbs & spices ready:

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The chopped-sliced potato, mushroom and celery went into a pot with the salt, herbs & spices and the pot 3/4 filled with pure water. I brought it to a rapid boil.


Once boiling well, turn the heat down to very low, cover and leave to simmer for 30 to 40 mins, stirring occassionally, until the potato starts to break up a little.

Turn off the heat, add chopped spring onions and coconut cream, stir to blend and cover. Let it rest for just 5 mins to allow the flavour to meld.

Serve & enjoy!!

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Rich, creamy and flavourful!! And just so quick and easy to make.

What's YOUR favourite comfort soup on a rainy day? And what do YOU do with mountains of super cheap mushrooms? Look forward to your suggestions in the comments below.

Did it reheat well for Sunday brunch the next day? Oh yes. Like so many soups, arguably much better on Day 2. Served with a warm baguette.

Cook. Share. Enjoy.

All images used in my posts are created and owned by myself, unless specifically sourced. If you wish to use my images or my content, please contact me.


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