What I Ate At The Night Market

Enjoying the night market vibes while eating the favorite snacks is a beloved choice for spending the weekend.


Does your area have a night market? In my area, there are not always night markets. Usually, they have a certain period of time before finally moving to another location.



This time, near where I live there was another night market after several months they moved to another area. I'm always excited when there's a night market. Usually, I will see the lights from the big Ferris wheel at the night market which is the characteristic of this night market.

There are lots of exciting games that we can enjoy at this night market. Granted, it's not all free, but it's worth it for kids, especially.

Indeed, on weekends like this, there are many families who bring their children to play in this night market.

Well, my goal in going to this night market wasn't because I wanted to ride certain games, or because I wanted to buy cheap goods. Maybe you can already guess my goal.

Yeaaaap, especially if it's not about food. Ehehe. Sorry for that. My inner child is having difficulty getting food. So, right now, I like to focus on food, although don't overdo it. I will buy food that I like, and I have to finish it. In essence, nothing should be wasted or wasted. Everything you buy must be rational, and not just based on emotion.


In this night market, I headed to an outlet that provides snacks made from potatoes, also sausages and corn dogs. I bought a spiral potato.

Have you ever bought spiral potatoes like this? One potato is cut using a special tool, then pierced with a long skewer so that it forms a spiral shape.

After the spiral potatoes are fried, they will be served with spicy sauce and mayonnaise sauce. The price of spiral potatoes for one serving is no more than $0.6.


To enjoy these spiral potatoes with the best sensation, we have to enjoy them while they are hot. We will get an exciting crispy sensation in our mouth! If it has cooled down in the cold night wind, then these spiral potatoes will no longer be crispy and the taste will be strange, like we just ate a lot of oil!


Well, after enjoying spiral potatoes, I also bought another type of food. I headed to the fruit salad outlet.

Something made me interested in this fruit salad outlet. I saw taro sauce ingredients on their fruit salad! So, without hesitation, I approached the outlet.

This fruit salad is the same price as the price of spiral potatoes. So, I didn't think twice about buying this fruit salad.


I bought fruit salad with taro sauce variation. I love taro sauce! So, how about the taste? In my opinion, quite decent for the cheap price. With lots of various fruit fillings, such as grapes, apples. Also, they use a delicious type of cheese. Overall, everything tastes right on my tongue.


A fun weekend night for me. Even though I didn't ride a particular games, I felt very happy spending time with my favorite snacks and looking at the lights. :) I hope you have a wonderful night. :)


Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.


Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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