Something Surprising In My Dinner

What if we have dine out after a hard day's work in the garden?

As you know, my garden is currently being replanted. Just like when I first started gardening. There are many things I have to do. Because I am the only designer of my garden.


This time, I processed used planting media. I took out the used planting media from the polybag and then mixed them with burnt husks and compost.


After working hard all day in the garden, I invited my husband to eat out for dinner. I feel like I want to faint. :(

In fact, fatigue makes me not in the mood to eat rice. Of course, I have to eat something to replenish my energy.

I went to a cafe near my house that I hadn't visited for a long time. At that time, they had a bad taste in food. But some time ago, I heard from my friend that this cafe had changed chefs.




So, this time, I dared to try this cafe. The most important thing is that it is close to home. So, if something disappointing happens, at least I can anticipate that feeling.

The condition of the cafe still hasn't changed. Still filled with lots of native plants, not artificial trees. So, it feels cool around the cafe. Because I chose a semi outdoor area.


I ordered a Matcha Milkshake, with Fish and Chips as a main course dish.

As usual, my drink order came first. A combination of green tea powder (Matcha) with milk. I think the taste is pretty good, not bad.

They use quality Matcha powder. There is still a bitter sensation from the Matcha ingredients and that's good.

It's just that this iced Matcha drink tastes too sweet. I think it's unbalanced. But, I can still drink this menu, even though I can't finish this drink.


Next, for the main course, I was very surprised! As stated in the title of my blog this time. As soon as this food arrived, I was really shocked because I have never seen a portion of fish and chips this bad. I want to cry :(



This menu is more suitable to be said to be just French fries. Meanwhile, fish pieces are seen so poor! :( small bites also just for pieces. How cruel!


Of course, this really surprised me. What about other complements? The salad seems ordinary but there is no problem with the taste. The vegetables they use are also fresh and still have a crunchy texture.

But overall, I'm still shocked. I asked the waiter who delivered my order. It turns out they just changed chefs again a month ago. What poor cafe management.

I think, next time I won't come to the cafe again for food. If I really have to, maybe I'll come for the coffee.


At least, the green atmosphere of this cafe makes me feel calm and relaxed. Nothing worth it at all. Just a valuable experience for us to rethink our decision to choose a cafe.

So, have you had an experience eating out that really surprised you?

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.


Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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