My Green Day Stories

You might associate green with green leaves that you don't like. But if we want to think again, there are many things about green that make us better.


What's your favorite color? Maybe it's green or blue. For me it's both and I can't choose. For me, green and blue bring me to calm and connect with the strong nature, plants, as well as the blue sea and sky.

Green is also about my obsession with vegetables. And, green tea 😅 I think I can no longer help my obsession. I like to eat various types of green vegetables. Whether it's a coincidence or not, I even like drinking green tea and also matcha latte (a combination of green tea powder and milk).

Because of my obsession with green tea and matcha lattes, I often stop by at different cafes just to look for green tea or matcha lattes 😅

So today, after I did my gardening activities, I decided to stop at one of my favorite cafes in the city center. I stopped at The Cafe House.


Well, in the morning I moved my plant seeds. Oh, it looks beautiful green, right? There are chili, tomato and eggplant seeds.


I also planted ginger on the polybag. Some ginger from my kitchen that already planted. I can't wait see their progress on my garden.

I hope they will be fine after I move them to a larger growing medium. I will update about the plants in my garden for my new garden project later. 😊

So, back to the topic. I need a glass of matcha latte. Of course, without sugar. Also, I ordered snacks because I was feeling hungry even though it wasn't lunch time yet 😅


Quite a hot day. In Indonesia, you will find the richness of sunshine as if you live with the sun ☀️ lol. Even though it was a hot day, I was still comfortable with my hot drink. It could be said that I rarely order iced. I don't want my body to feel a different temperature contrast if I drink the iced type.

Screenshot from Scanning Menu Method

Actually, this is the first time I ordered the Matcha Latte menu at my favorite cafe. Usually I only order Brown Sugar Latte, or Coffee With Milk, also Cappuccino. Even though this is my first order, I have a good feeling because this is my favorite cafe, which has never disappointed me.


Sure enough, my order, Matcha Latte served by The Cafe House did not disappoint. Even though the color of this Matcha Latte is not too green like what I found in other cafes, the taste of this Matcha Latte is quite delicious. There is no taste to complain about my order.

For snacks, there are lots of little bites that are appetizing. I decided to order Mantau With Srikaya Jam.


Screenshot from Scanning Menu Method


I have ordered the Mantau With Srikaya Jam menu several times at other cafes. So, I'm interested to try how it tastes at my favorite cafe.


Look at the texture of this Chinese bread. Looks fluffy and expands beautifully. Also, the golden brown texture on the surface is beautiful. Also, it was still warm when this menu just came to the table. The smell of fresh dough after frying is similar to the smell of donuts. ❤️😍


When I split this fried bread, oh look at that! There is a unique texture in the bread. Looks stunning, right? Oh, I'm sorry for sounding like I'm crazy about this bread! Because indeed, yes! I'm already obsessed with this type of Chinese bread.


Suitable for friends drinking coffee or tea. Plus Srikaya Jam which makes the taste richer. Srikaya Jam is made from coconut milk, sugar, and egg. Perfectly savory but not overly sweet. 😊

Enjoy my green day while online working.

Overall, my green day this time went smoothly. I can't wait to look at my green space (my garden) in the next few days for the small vegetable seeds that I also just sowed in the ground yesterday.


So, have a lovely green day for peace and calm day for you ❤️❤️❤️ see you!

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.


Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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