Adding A New Favorite Restaurant

Finding a delicious favorite menu at a restaurant. It's worth adding to your favorites list this time.


New places, new food. But not everything is a favorite. Many new experiences teach us something. So is stopping at a restaurant and learning about the different flavors.

This year, my husband and I have not decided to have children after I miscarried in 2023. We are focusing more on our lives and traveling more before we settle down, maybe in the new place in the future.

So, I often travel with my husband even though it's not too far from my home. That's why I often stop by several restaurants and share these experiences with you.

In this blog, I will share a restaurant that I added to my favorites list. The place is called ”Pulle Coffee & Eatery”.

Actually, this casual restaurant is not a new place I visited. It's just that it took several visits to this place for me to really add this restaurant to my list of favorite restaurants.

So, let me know the detailed story and I hope I enjoy the dish on my food blog this time. Stay tuned. :)

Pulle Coffee & Eatery

I have stopped by this casual-style restaurant several times. It's just that in previous times, I only enjoyed coffee and snacks.

The coffee and snacks that I enjoyed at that time at "Pulle Coffee & Eatery", have not succeeded in making me include this restaurant in my list of favorite restaurants.

Until finally, I had the courage to try the main course at this restaurant.
I ordered my favorite main course menu, "Grilled Salmon". And, unexpectedly, it was this main course menu that finally made this restaurant into my list of favorite restaurants.

Well, before I discuss the main menu that I ordered, I will discuss the atmosphere around the restaurant while waiting for my ordered menu to come to my table.

If usually I just sit in the outdoor area on the ground floor of the restaurant while enjoying coffee and snacks, but this time I went up to the second floor of the restaurant.

On the second floor of this restaurant, I can see the view from the outdoor area where I usually sit. You can see there is a music stage and a singer who is performing songs. Every day, the restaurant hosts live music performances.



Next, the area I chose consists of several comfortable sofas. Also, the chairs are made of warm wood, matching the color of the sofa.


The space I chose shows a warm casual room. Not too big, but enough to feel spacious.


Also, they added some flowers to create a non-monotonous impression in a warm room.


I like the orchids behind me. Even though it's only artificial, it's a good selection of flowers. Also, symbolizes prosperity. :)


There are interesting things on this second floor. We can see there is a food delivery elevator. That makes it very easy for waiters to pick up food and deliver the food to visitors' tables. A brilliant idea. :)

My Dinner

If you have been following my blog for a long time, you will know that I often order “Grilled Salmon” when I stop at a restaurant. Likewise this time.

I really wanted to order "Grilled Salmon". It's not something random or sudden. At first, I didn't even dare to have expectations because I was afraid it would kill my taste.

As I enjoyed this menu, I smiled. This “Grilled Salmon” has succeeded in stealing my heart. This restaurant can serve a delicious "Grilled Salmon" menu without any drawbacks. It's just perfect.

In my cities, it is not easy to find delicious "Grilled Salmon", which also suits my taste buds. Previously, there was only one restaurant in my city that served delicious “Grilled Salmon”. So, this time, it has increased by one, becoming two restaurants.

The thing that I think is an added value for this restaurant serving this "Grilled Salmon" is the two types of sauce available. Creamy mushroom sauce, and also savory soy sauce.



Both sauces work perfectly for “Grilled Salmon” as well as vegetables and fries.


The level of doneness of this salmon is also perfect for me, not overcooked. Look at the color. Oh, so beautiful and the skin on the surface looks crispy. Yum, yummy!


Because the main menu is so delicious at this place, you can see that my plate is very clean. There is no food left. Yummy! I am grateful for this delicious journey of taste. :)

Overall, I'm very happy to have a new list of favorite restaurants that serve my favorite main course. With normal prices for “Grilled Salmon”, not pricey, I'm happy to come back to this restaurant. So, see you again on my next delicious stories.


Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.



Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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