RE: Cinnamon hazelnut rolls

This makes you my first Serbian friend ever.

Awwwww (puppy look)

Bob's Red Mill (don't know if it's exported to Serbia but I know they have it in UK and comes from my Portland!)

Had no chance to try it out, as we already have a bunch of the same products in different packages, in case we do have it here, everything imported is so pricey, plus I'm really not into GMO taste, not only in USA, modification happens also here (one of my reasons to ditch markets and plant my own food).

Gluten intolerance really sucks, back in days I was resting my body from it, only flour I used was rice, oat, corn but as you said none of them can compare to the white wheat.

When I was a kid I used to make baker's clay, the salted flour and water mix, and make little figurines out of it

You can still entertain that kid with some regular clay, bake them in the oven.🤔

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