5-Minutes Freewrite: Carrot Cake


"Mama, for my birthday can you bake me a carrot cake? I love your carrot cake!" That's what my children have been requesting for their birthdays for the past few years.

Yes, my whole family loves carrot cake! And, I happen to have a foolproof recipe which I won't be sharing this time, haha.

When I started my baking pleasures, I remember the first cake I tried my hands on was carrot cake. Flour and I unfortunately have not figured each other out yet, yea it is what it is— a love hate relationship, so my first carrot cake came out from the rice cooker. Can you believe it? A rice cooker baked carrot cake. Hah!

After a few rounds of tweaking the recipe to our tastebuds I made some to share with a couple of friends, too. I remember one of them was @iamjadeline, hahaha!! (Hope it wasn't too bad!) Some years back when my hands weren't too full, I baked a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting in a shape of a rainbow for my husband's birthday. I remember wishing him a great year ahead and that his dreams would come true, and most importantly, the One who made the heavens is faithful to His promises.


And by the look on my son's face, you could see that he was wayyyyy more excited over the cake than his dad did, haha!


A couple of years back, my beautiful firstborn requested for a carrot cake for her 5th birthday, and I happily obliged!


It isn't that she has stopped requesting since, but that time has become more hectic and all the more when our third and littlest came along. I wanted to bake one for myself earlier this month for my birthday but was too exhausted to do so. Maybe I can arrange and plan a surprise for my middle child who will be having his 4th birthday next month! To be honest, I kinda miss baking my own carrot cake, too!

Fingers crossed, we shall see!

How about you, do you like carrot cake, too?

*All photos shared in this post are my own.

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