Recipe How to Make Cheese Chicken Nuggets (Eng/Indo)



Hi fellow foodies. How are you? May you always be healthy. So that you can eat food directly with the recipe that I will write down. The recipe that I will post this time is to make melted cheese nuggets.

But before discussing about this recipe. I will explain first about this nugget food.

About chicken nuggets

Ayan nuggets are one of the processed foods from chicken meat that have a certain taste, usually golden yellow. Currently, chicken nuggets are one of the fastest growing processed meat products. The raw materials for nuggets are pieces of chicken meat, flour, and spices.

Many ready-made chicken nuggets are available in the market. Because, chicken nuggets have become processed foods that are made en masse. However, are you interested in making your own homemade chicken nuggets? If you are interested, here's a recipe for how to make chicken nuggets.

Recipe how to make cheese chicken nuggets


Buying chicken nuggets at the supermarket is simpler and faster to be able to enjoy this food immediately. However, if you are curious to taste your own homemade food. Here's a recipe for how to make cheese chicken nuggets that melt in your mouth:


What do you think? Easy way to make it. With this recipe you can make your own nuggets at home.

Maybe it's enough to just post here for this time. Don't forget to follow so you can see other posts or recipes. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.


Hai sobat foodies. Apa kabar? Semoga sehat selalu. Sehingga bisa menyatap langsung makanan dengan resep yang akan saya tuliskan ini. Resep masakan yang akan saya posting kali ini adalah membuat nugget keju yang lumer.

Tapi sebelum membahas tentang resep masakan ini. Saya akan menjelaskan terlebih dahulu tentang makanan nugget ini.

Tentang makanan nugget ayam

Nugget ayan adalah salah satu pangan hasil pengolahan daging ayam yang memiliki cita rasa tertentu, biasanya berwarna kuning keemasan. Saat ini, nugget ayam menjadi salah satu produk daging olahan yang berkembang pesat. Bahan baku nugget adalah potongan daging ayam, tepung, dan bumbu-bumbuan.1

Banyak nugget ayam yang sudah jadi tersedia dipasaraan. Karena, nugget ayam sudah menjadi makanan olahan yang dibuat secara masal. Namun, apakah anda tertarik untuk membuat nugget ayam buatan anda sendiri? Kalau anda tertarik berikut resep cara membuat nugget ayam.

Resep cara membuat nugget ayam keju

Membeli nugget ayam di supermarket lebih simpel dan cepat untuk bisa segera menikmati makanan ini. Namun, apabila anda penasaran ingin merasakan makanan buatan anda sendiri. Berikut ulasan resep cara membuat nugget ayam keju yang lumer di mulut :


Bagaimana menurut anda? Mudahkan cara membuatnya. Dengan resep tersebut anda bisa membuat nugget sendiri di rumah.

Mungkin cukup sampai disini saja postingan untuk kali ini. Jangan lupa follow agar bisa melihat postingan atau resep yang lainnya. Semoga bermanfaat dan terima kasih.

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