[ESP-ENG] Prepara una Exquisita Carne Mechada con esta receta 馃崨/Prepare an Exquisite Shredded Beef with this recipe 馃崨


Hola, Amigos de la comunidad de comida de hive, hoy activo para mostrarles como es mi cocina, para esta ocasi贸n les traigo como prepar茅 una exquisita carne mechada, est谩 la hice para acompa帽ar mi almuerzo, solo necesitamos picos ingredientes y muchas ganas de comer rico.


350 gr de carne para mechar
1 tomate
1/2 Piment贸n verde
1/2 cebolla blanca
6 granos de ajo
Cilantro una rama
1 cucharada de aceite
1/2 taza de caldo de la carne
Sal, pimienta y color a gusto


1.Primero colocamos la carne en una olla con suficiente agua y cocinamos hasta que est茅 blanda, retiramos del fuego y desmechamos, reservamos el caldo d贸nde se cocin贸 la carne.

2.Luego vamos a lavar y cortar en juliana el piment贸n, cebolla y tomate, rallamos el ajo y dejamos el cilantro en rama.

3.Calentamos una sart茅n, agregamos el aceite y luego los ingredientes que cortamos en el paso anterior, junto con la sal, pimienta y color, sofreimos por 5 minutos, removiendo de vez en cuando.

4.Luego agregamos la carne junto con el caldo , removemos y cocinamos hasta que el color se haga uniforme y tome consistencia de guiso, retirar del fuego y a comer exquisito, acompa帽ado con arroz, pl谩tano.

Buen provecho!


Hello, Friends of the hive food community, today I am active to show you what my kitchen is like, for this occasion I bring you how I prepared an exquisite shredded meat, I made it to accompany my lunch, we only need some ingredients and a great desire to eat delicious food.


350 gr of meat to shred
1 tomato
1/2 green paprika
1/2 white onion
6 grains of garlic
Coriander a branch
1 tablespoon oil
1/2 cup meat broth
Salt, pepper and color to taste


1.First we place the meat in a pot with enough water and cook until it is soft, remove from the heat and shred, reserving the broth where the meat was cooked.

2.Then we are going to wash and cut the paprika, onion and tomato into julienne strips, grate the garlic and leave the cilantro on the branch.

3.Heat a frying pan, add the oil and then the ingredients that we cut in the previous step, along with the salt, pepper and color, saut茅 for 5 minutes, stirring from time to time.

4.Then we add the meat along with the broth, stir and cook until the color becomes uniform and takes on the consistency of a stew, remove from the heat and eat exquisitely, accompanied with rice, banana.


That's it for my recipe today, I hope you like it, thank you very much for the support, greetings.

All images used in this publication are owned by @alexanderodulfo.

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