Who doesnt love a good cheeseboard?


I do like a cheese board I must say and we were lucky enough to get some gifts this Christmas of hampers and one in particular had some gorgeous cheeses and chutneys. We never got around to eating them over the Christmas, so this weekend, we bought a nice botte of Portuguese red and made a tasty cheese board, with olives, sun dried tomatoes, meats and dips.


Cheese boards are the job. They were always a go to whenever I decided to give up sweet stuff for lent over the years. They are also a really handy quick and easy "dinner" when neither of us feel like cooking something. Instead it's just a case of pulling a few bits from the fridge and putting it out on cheese boards with some crackers and make an easy quick dinner for the boys.


I also find that they are a nice thing to prepare for people when they are coming to visit. People can take as much or as little as they want and they go really well with a few glasses of wine.


In our haste to ahem, stuff our little faces, I didn't get many photos of the little creations, but I did take this one.


I like all the cheeses, in fact I don't think there's a cheese that I've encountered that didn't like in all my years! My wife draws a line at blue cheese and even the smell will make her make the face! Are you partial to a cheeseboard? Are you a red wine or white wine drinker? It's always red for me. Tell me about it in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by

The photos used throughout this post are all my own taken on my Samsung smart phone

Peace out.


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