Whatever's in the fridge salad at Chez Ablaze

Lunch at Chez Ablaze


Who doesn't love a bit of bread? It could be a wrap, a baguette, white bread, brown bread any kind of bread. It's fuckin delicious isn't it! It always goes down well but guess what? It's no good for you, as in no good for you whatsoever. There's no nutritional goodness in bread, so every now and again I give it a miss and I opt for a salad instead.

We're pretty good for the greens in our house, for the fruits and the vegetables so there's always some vegetables knocking around in the fridge. So whenever I do feel like making a salad for lunch, I just open up the fridge and see what's in there from scallions to tomatoes, coleslaw to ham and turkey and everything in between.

@Ablaze's Whatever's in the fridge salad

Whatever's in the fridge!! In this case....
1 yellow pepper
Some left over dinner!
Some tomatoes
Sweet Corn
Sweet Chilli Sauce

Ok, let's get to it, get all of your ingredients out beside you and roll up your sleeves

STEP 1: Nah......

To be honest, no instructions needed here, it's basically a matter of seeing what's in the fridge or shop and using your imagination. I like a good mix of colours on my plate personally, so that's what you'll see below.

And look not a piece of bread, baguette or wrap in sight!! It's good to do this a few times a week if you can, cut the bread. Sure it's tasty, but it has zero nutritional value. It would be a bit like putting cooking oil into your diesel engine, well not quite! But ya get the idea!!







If you get into the habit of having a tasty salad once or twice a week, do vary it up each time. The reason is two fold. Firstly you don't want to get bored of having the same thing over and over again, but more importantly you're gut flora will benefit from a varied diet, so try your best to try new things, new meats, new veggies, new fish. You get the idea.

That reminds me actually that I'm not having enough fish in my diet and the benefits are tremendous for our health. Living in a country surrounded by water and with no shortage of fresh fish at my fingertips, I really should be getting more in my diet.

Well hopefully you'll all have a crack at a salad next week for lunch. Laters tators.

Bon appetite!!

You're done! Time to tuck in and enjoy the fruit of your labours!


These photos are all my own

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out


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