I love it when my wife does Slimming World!

No idea

There might be a few of you reading this who are wondering what the hell is Slimming World!? Well if you're one of them let me briefly explain; basically it's a little bit like Weight watchers if you've ever heard of that.

It's for people who are struggling a little bit with some weight gain and I want to share a few pounds to fit back into that dress repair jeans or whatever the case may be and it's pretty popular here in Ireland with women. I'm pretty lucky myself and don't tend to put on much weight regardless of how I eat and drink.

Recently my wife started doing Slimming World again, it's usually when she wants to shed some weight coming up to a friend wedding or the like. So we're in one of those time periods at the moment, with a wedding in early August.

So what has that got to do with me you might ask? Well, the quality of the home cooking goes up a notch or two when she does Slimming World you see. The whole concept with Slimming World is around healthy eating and making things from scratch with good wholesome healthy foods.

Everything you see in the photos below is home made. No tins. No packets. Just plain old healthy homemade goodness.



She even has this healthy cookbook to help her to come up with healthy ideas for meals.


Let's leaf through a few pages for a look shall we?

A leaf through

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤









You can see now why I love when herself does Slimming World! Long may it last!!! The dinners just get better and better and loads of variety. Don't worry though, I do my Fair share of cooking myself and whoever cooks, the other one does the clean up, a pretty fair system I think you'll agree.

These photos are all my own

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out


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