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Keyword Research Tricks: Find Low Competition Keywords for Blog Post

Why do we write blog posts? We all want people to visit our blog posts. Right?

But how do we know that what we are writing is going to get enough traffic? The truth is that maximum bloggers even don't know if their article will get visitors. They just write, write and write every day!

Of course, good content matters! But all effort will be in vain if people even don't know about your content. If visitors even can't find your article, how will they read it?


That's why it's important to share your content on social media. You can share your posts on your social media profiles like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc. But that will not give you consistent traffic. Sharing on social media will provide you, visitors, for a certain period. But then again, after a specific time, you'll see a decrease in traffic.

As long as you're sharing, there will be website traffic.
No sharing = No traffic.

There's only one solution to get consistent traffic without even doing hard work regularly. Just do some little hard work initially and get the benefits for a very long time.


Today I will discuss how to get low competition keywords with high traffic. Low competition keywords mean those keywords which are easy to rank on Google, and there's no significant competition.

In SEO (Search Engine Optimization), we categorize every keyword from 1 to 100. More number means higher keyword difficulty.

Keyword Difficulty gives an estimate of how hard it is to rank in the top 10 organic search results for a keyword on a 100-point scale.

Now, let's learn how to find low KD (Keyword Difficulty) keywords, where traffic is also high. For this process, I prefer to use Ahref Keyword Research Tool. I use the paid version, but it's worth it.

There are some free tools as well like Ubersuggest, Keyword Everywhere, etc.

Suppose you want to write a blog post on earning money online, and your target keyword is - Earn Money online. You want to grab the position on Google's first page. Now without any research, you just wrote the article and did some SEO as well. You did everything like written SEO-optimized posts, provided backlinks, used the internal-external link, and so on.

But there's no traffic on your post. You are just wondering what I did wrong! The mistake was you didn't research your keyword before writing. You chose a keyword, which's KD is so high, and Google's first page is filled with high ranked or high authority websites. So, it's pretty impossible to rank your article with these giant sites.

I search with the same term, "Earn Money Online," and look what I got! Monthly 178k people (22k from the USA) search on Google with this keyword, which is so high.

Also, look at the KD (Keyword Difficulty). Keyword difficulty is also high, which is like 78. For me, I prefer to choose a keyword when KD is lower than 20. The remarkable thing Ahref Keyword Tool is, it will also show you all related keyphrases you may also choose.

If you go to the overview, you'll see that ranking is very hard with this keyword. Also, at the bottom, Ahref will suggest some long-tail keyword which you may choose. It will suggest question-like keywords also which people use to search with that specific keyword. For example - How to earn money online? Or How to make extra money online?

You can also get more keyword ideas by exploring the "Keyword Ideas" option on the left.

Let get back to our topic. Our aim is to target low KD keywords with good traffic.

Click on the "phrase," and let's say we will only target those keywords whose KD is lower than 30 and visitors are more than 500 a month. We can filter that result as shown in the screenshot.

Now look, we narrowed down the search to only eight keywords. Some of those may be useless for our article. We are targetting global traffic, and as per our requirement, the last keyword phrase, "Earn money online $10 a day," looks fine. KD is only ten, and global traffic is monthly 900. Not bad for a newbie to start with.

Now let's see another example. This time we are searching for a good keyword for affiliate marketing. Imagine that you have an affiliate website, and your website talks about Dogs. Now you want to target people who want to buy jackets for their dogs.

Now imagine how you will search if you want to buy something?

Best dog jacket
Dog jacket reviews
Best dog jacket to buy

Something like that, right?

Now search on keyword explorer with the keyword "dog jacket". From the search filter, select KD up to 20 and include the word "Best". Now see only one keyword phrase: KD is only 17, and monthly traffic is 200.

This is not bad, 30% of these 200 visitors may buy the product because they searched with the intention of buying.

This is how you target low KD keywords where you have a big chance to rank on Google's first page quickly.

But, HOLD ON!!! This is not the end.

You have to check all the competitor's page, their backlinks, domain authority, content type, etc. Don't just select a keyword just by seeing low KD.

Suppose with your keyword, Wikipedia is in number 1, and Quora or Medium is in number 2 rank. Now you can't go just cross these types of biggest sites.

I will discuss it in another post.

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