NFTEA Gallery - A Bitshares blockchain powered open-source NFT gallery!


Check out the NFTEA Gallery - it's fully open source (MIT licensed), supports 13 languages so far and features NFTs from multiple NFT issuers.

Recent NFTEA Gallery developments

  • Implemented Beet - this provides a simplified NFT purchasing interface within the NFTEA Gallery website.
  • Switched to Mantine from MUIv5 - the Google pagespeed scores have significantly improved!
  • Additional Three.JS file types supported - MP4's (videos), FBX (3d models), GLTF (3d models) & VOX (voxel models), enabling much more NFT types on the Bitshares network.
  • You can switch between production and staging blockchain networks via the settings page!

What's next?

The next languages likely to be supported are Khmer (cambodian), Vietnamese, Filipino, Turkish and Indonesian. Languages will be prioritised based on Google Analytics visitor language data.

I plan to work on a Three.JS rendered NFT gallery which you can walk around in, either in first person or third person view.

I'll further focus on responsiveness & mobile UX, if there's any issues you're experiencing please don't hesitate to report the issue on github!

Once a couple NFTs sell I'll look into issuing higher resolution NFTs using the latest VQGAN + CLIP tech.

Closing remarks

Bitshares has a great future ahead of it, don't disregard it!

Shout out to Artcasa and other Bitshares NFT developers for their support!

Have any requests or suggestions? Leave a comment below :)

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