Guava Harvest Time!


I am so excited!!! Our guava tree is slowly giving us gorgeous golden guavas and I got to eat the first couple in my granola and yoghurt this week.


A year ago during this season we were under hard lockdown and weren’t able to visit our cottage until 10 weeks later. Staying away was so hard as we worried about the cottage all the time. Unfortunately by the time we got here all the fruit had dropped to the ground and we had a carpet of rotten guavas. I managed to only save about 6 of them.


This year we are living in our little cottage and get to pick our very own guavas as they’re ripening!!! (Hopefully the Lemons will follow soon)




The guavas started as little buds that slowly formed the tiny hard dark green fruit. Since then it’s been a game of patience and waiting. And then last week we finally got to celebrate!!! 🎉 3 gorgeous guavas!!


My daughter ate the first one fresh off the tree and the next couple went into my breakfast granola with beautiful creamy plain yoghurt and raw wild honey.


I guess is need to get my recipes ready because very soon I’ll have more guavas than I know what to do with. In the past I made a guava tart based on my baked apple pie recipe. Now I’m thinking about some kind of Swiss roll type cake where the guavas can be added as a paste or jam.


But I’m keen to try some new recipes, so send them over if you have any.



The tree is now heavy with fruit with the branches drooping from the weight. We have a small pot tied to our fence next to our front gate. So when I’m inundated with fruit I fill the pot and pop a message on the neighbourhood WhatsApp group for folk to come and help themselves.

There’s no point having all this goodness and not being generous with it. Our tree even goes over into our neighbours yard, so they get to enjoy guavas too.

Small green lemons - they need a couple more months of growing

I’m really looking forward to our lemons this season and we have a loquat tree too! I haven’t ever baked or cooked with them, but we used to eat them off my Gran’s tree as kids. Have you heard of loquats?

I’ll see if I can come up with a decent guava smoothie this week. Anything this fresh has to be good!

This post is in response to the Garden Journal challenge, hosted by @riverflows, that you can find here (Garden Journal Challenge: Early April 2021 [Share to Win HIVE!])


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