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Time blocking or Multitasking - what should we choose?

We all love the word multitasking. It gives us a sense of productiveness. But do you believe, multitasking can a counterproductive too? Especially when you are working on something which needs extra attention and care or simply you are not good at it.


And when we talk about time blocking, it's common to have a negative idea about it.

Time blocking is simpler keeping aside other tasks and focusing on only one. It's like putting a block on other tasks so they don't interpret. And we all know about multitasking; involving ourselves in many tasks at a time to finish everything early and make ourselves more productive.

We have to be clear about when multitasking works well. It can't be good for anyone to drive and text at the same time. Rather it can be like taking your dinner and watching the tv. So having this clear idea can help us decide.

Different research shows that only a few people are actually good at multitasking. It's like 2.5%. So you can understand that rather making us more productive multitasking actually makes us do more errors, distract us, and eventually we can not finish anything properly.

That's why time blocking can be a good option. Choose to finish or do one task at a time. After making progress or finishing it, start doing something else. Make priority lists and do one task after another, not at a time.

Time blocking can make us focus on what matters most, finish the task properly, and makes us more productive. For example, send your emails and then start doing your office presentation.

I hope it's gonna help you decide what you need to do!