Benefits of Leri Waste Water for Fruit Plants

mulberry fruit
Everyone who grows fruit crops, surely hopes that the plants will be diligent and bear fruit. Some people use artificial fertilizers or fertilizers from factories to make their plants fruitful. I personally have never used fertilizer from the factory for the fruit plants that I planted, but you will see how the fruit plants that I have are still bearing fruit.
How do I make plants diligently bear fruit without fertilizer from the factory?

Leri Water

Guess what liquid is this? If you guessed it was milk, then your guess was wrong, it was leri water. Every day, when I wash rice to be cooked into rice, I will collect the remaining rice washing water / leri water and make it nutrition for my plants to bear fruit. Because in rice washing water / leri water there are many nutrients that are needed by our plants. Based on literature sourced from (
mobile/artikel/79929/Manfaat-Air cucian
Beras Untuk MenyuburkanTanaman/)
Rice washing water contains a lot of carbohydrates in the form of starch that plants need to stimulate the formation of the hormones auxin, gibberellins and alanine. These hormones are hormones found in plants that are useful for the formation of new shoots on leaves and stems, besides that in leri water there are also proteins, minerals and vitamins.
In addition to nutrients, leri water also contains many nutrients that are needed by plants, the nutrients contained in leri water are:
Nitrogen. 70.55 ppm
Phosphorus 60.65 ppm
Potassium 91.11 ppm
Ferum 9.95 ppm
boron. 6.44 ppm
Vitamin B. 205.44ppm
mobile/artikel/79929/Manfaat-Air cucian
Beras Untuk MenyuburkanTanaman/)

Besides containing a lot of nutrients and nutrients, leri water is also very environmentally friendly and safe to use on plants, so what are you waiting for (don't throw away the remaining rice water / leri when you cook rice, okay)
The way to use leri water for plants to be diligent in fruiting is that you can directly use leri water plus a pinch of salt, this leri water is safe to use every day to water plants, because I have tried it.


Green Ambon Banana

Look at the green Ambon banana plants that I planted, they are very diligent in bearing fruit, even though in one place there are many banana trees, but they always take turns bearing fruit and never stop bearing fruit, because I am diligent in giving leri water to the fruit plants at home.

Good luck, I hope your fruit plants will bear fruit. Next time I will share tips so that the fruit produced by our plants has a sweeter taste.

mulberry fruits

I took these photos using my iphone 7 plus camera

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