This medicine can make you better after 2 days!

Hello my friends! How is it going? Today I will show you a medicine that heals you after 2 days! Yes, yes, I know this might not sound true but I am positive that this is true.


We call this "baking soda". You just need to put about a teaspoon in a small glass of water once or twice per day. If you have a kid and if he/she is sick get this.

My papa also told me that it helps to alkalyze so my body is not so acidic. I am still learning, but at least I don't have to go to a doctor very often (unless I break my arm of course). For me, it works on colds, coughs and even detoxing the mcdonald's out!


I hope you like my post, let's make some nice waves in this world! :)

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