Meet my plant collection | My Tiny Garden 🪴(plant lover)


Hello plantlover🪴


I love plants and taking care of them. This passion of mine started because of my mother. My mother loves flowers. There were flowers planted in every corner of our house. Sometimes he would talk to them. YES, he spoke seriously as if there were people in front of him. And I used to say why are you talking, it's meaningless. He always said to me, "It blooms much better when I talk to them. They understand and respond to me." I actually realized this when I started looking for plants.

My first plant belonged to the species Dieffenbachia Amoena. My mother had planted a piece of her own plant for me and placed it in my room. My room was very sunny. So he always wanted to put plants there, but I would never allow it. He put plants in my room while I was out of town. I didn't say anything when I got home. As the days passed, I started to take an interest in him. That's my first plant, Dieffenbachia plant. Still the same plant remains in my house.


First of all, let me tell you about my house. Our house is duplex, my mother and brother are staying downstairs. When I moved here, I specifically wanted a house like this. I don't have a house of my own for now, so I thought if we buy a duplex, the top floor would be mine entirely. The upper floor of the house has a terrace and two rooms. I turned one into a bedroom, and the other I created a living space for myself. In winter, most of my day is spent in my living space. In summer, I spend time on the terrace.

I put the iron shelf I bought from Ikea in the sunny part of the living area. There was a small shelf there before, but as the plants grew, I needed a new shelf. That's why this iron shelf has been very useful to me. Let's take a closer look at the shelf.


On the top floor of the shelf are Nephrolepis, Sansevieria, Monstera Deliciosa and a succulent species.

Nephrolepis: I don't know why, but we call it the ladder of love. My neighbor brought it as a gift when I moved it here.

Sansevieria: Its local name is Pasha sword. They gave it this name because it was shaped like a sword. I found him recently on my way to the grocery store to buy bread. I was sad when I saw him at the edge of the garbage so I brought him home and put it in the water. I'll plant it in a pot when it's rooted.

Monstera Deliciosa: Here it is called Camel's Foot. This plant was effective in pots. The pot looked very empty so I wanted to plant another root in the pot. I cut 2 roots from the end. One of them will be added to my neighbor and the other to the bottom of the same flower pot. So the pot will look even more full.


.On the second shelf are succulent species. There are Senecio Rowleyanus, Haworthia Fasciata, Helxine Soleirolii and two succulent genera. I couldn't write because I don't know their scientific name. I do not know the names of some of them anyway, maybe those of you who read my article will inform me.

By the way, I just bought the mythological flower pot. I could not find out what the name of the statue was. I would be glad if anyone who knows can help me with this.


On the third shelf are the plants I just planted.

Tiny Basil
Othonna Capensis

I don't know the names of the plants in the three small pots. I also bought copies of them from other people.


I have my Patos creeper plant on the bottom shelf. I took the Patos plant that I grew to my very close friend. Before I gave it to him, I plucked a small branch and multiplied it. The plant loved the place I put it and started growing immediately.


This is how the plants on the shelf were. There are three plants in my room that I put by the window. I just bought these too. Ball-shaped cactus, Crassula Muscosa and succulent species. I put them in front of the glass for now. If you have any suggestions about the location of the plants, please let them know. I haven't learned yet whether some plants like sun or shade. I'm trying to learn by experimenting right now.


My second oldest plant is Mountain Palm (Chamaedorea). It was a tiny plant when I bought it but now it grows beautifully. I love its look.


This is my Monstera plant that I told you about above. As you can see the pot looks very empty. I plan to add the plant I smell to the bottom. So it will look much fuller. Next to it is a cactus species whose name I do not know. My friend was going to throw him because he was sick, but I did not let him. Maybe I bought it to cure it. I believe it will improve in time. I am constantly observing its change. I hope he will get better.


3 plants greet us in the corner of my library. My first herb I mentioned is Dieffenbachia. I have produced 5 pots from this plant so far. It would be a much more magnificent plant if I hadn't pruned it back.

Next to it is the Ficus Ginseng plant that I recently acquired. I just planted it in this pot. I hope I did this without damaging it.

Next to bonsai plant There is the plant Syngonium Podophyllum. We call it Angel's Wing because of the appearance of its leaves. He's only been with me for 3 months. I had brought it as a single leaf from a house I visited and multiplied. Now it has 4 leaves.


These were most of the plants in my room. When summer comes, we take some of our plants out to the terrace with my mother. We both have a lot of plants there. You couldn't see them, but don't worry, I will show you the plants on the terrace. Maybe I'll show you the plants in my mother's living room and on the tiny balcony downstairs.

If you want to give an idea about the care of my plants, please do not hesitate to comment. Maybe there are errors in the size of the pots or where I put them. I need to be informed about these. See you again so much for now.

With love.

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