My Succulent Collection (Part 1)


Succulent are the easiest plants to grow. You don't need to be a pro to grow these beauties. Succulents don't need much in the way of care either and could be forgotten for weeks without any major damage done to them. People who forget to water houseplants should try growing succulents. They are not just beautiful but they are vividly colored too.


The Echeveria Perle von Nurnberg is one of my favorites. You see it change colors from purple to blue to a faded mother of pearl shade. The rosette shape of the plant and its size makes it a show stopper. However this is a slow grower and takes years to reach its maximum size.


This succulent above is huge, it is commonly called the flapjack or paddle plant the botanical name is Kalanchoe thyrsiflora. This could be a show stopper in the right light conditions.


Sedum rubrotinctum or jelly bean sedum (Isn't that so aptly named? ) is a delicious looking plant though not edible.


This one above is the echeveria Black prince. Like all succulent it changes colors depending on its exposure to the sun. This one here is over exposed to the summer heat. With a little shade it would go back to being the reddish back beauty that it is.


This echeveria peach pride is one of my favorites because it grows like crazy. With the right light and sun exposure these leaves turn a beautiful peach color. Too much sun not only bleaches out the color but also leaves sun spots on the leaves.


Echeveria rose is a beauty that tends to be a slow grower. It looks stunning with its sligtly green-blue leaves with reddish tinge on the edges.


This is echeveria runyonii rose is also called topsyturvy. I love this amazing shade of blue that the leaves have. The leaves curl downward and slope upward making it look ,like a tight rosette.


Here are a couple of bonus plants cryptanthus above and crassula pagoda which turn colors with every season.


There are lots more in my garden but I guess this should be enough for the day.

All images used here were photographed by me and are the sole property of @sofs-su

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