My Garden Update - Garden Journal


My garden has been in a state of shock for almost a year as construction work was happening nearby. The workers there were throwing cement and concrete on my plants and nothing much was growing. It has taken my plants months to recover and bounce back from the stress. The effort to get my garden in some shape has broken my back to say the least. I had to change the soil in all containers. It good to see these volunteer tomatoes growing everywhere. It's like balm to my eyes to see these tomatoes.


The passion flowers are now giving way to tiny fruits. Well there are more flower buds waiting in the wings. Just thinking of the passion fruit juice makes my mouth water. I love the flavor and the taste of passion fruit in almost everything.


Buds are like bunch of hope, hope of a better tomorrow, hope of good things to come. Good things come in small packages they say and I think passion fruit is one of those.


Here in a container is a bunch of spinach and lettuce growing. Lettuce is like a weed when it goes to seed I see it growing in every container as the wind blows the tiny seeds around. Any volunteer veggies are welcome in my garden.


It is confession time now. I haven't re-potted the cabbage plants as I should have a month ago. I need to do it right away, but I am running out of soil and other resources as the lock down continues on.


The cucumbers seem to be doing well. I took this picture a couple of days ago, but now they are double in size.


Green chilly peppers are an important part of our diet, we cannot do without spice and these do the job for us. I have five plants and I won't have to buy any for sometime.


My broccoli, egg plants and okra are doing well, but green beans the pole variety was infested with mealy bugs and has not doing great at the moment. I have been treating them now with some neem spray but I may have to get rid of the vines if they doesn't do better soon. I don't want them spreading the bugs to other plants.

Growing your own food is so much better than buying them off the shelves. To me it is so satisfying mentally, emotionally and physically. My veggies always taste much better since they are 100% organically grown.

All images are from my garden and belong to me.

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