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Why I Teach Writing Through Trauma

Dear Ones,

I teach expressive writing as a way to release and recover from trauma. Expressive writing allows us to recognize and let go of pain we carry in our bodies. It is an incredibly powerful tool for survivors. I practice expressive writing with survivors of familial violence, war, abuse and grief.

The heart of my classes.

I came to this practice through my own needs: I grew up in a violent home. War,race, place and religion informed my childhood. When I started a writing program for Fiction, I learned that I had a lot of fact I needed to get our before I could imagine others' stories. I was stuck in my mind and in my body. Writing initiated a shift that led me to wellness. It's a process. I'm still in it. And there's nothing that brings me more joy than supporting others who are seeking new tools for their own wellness.

If you are stuck, struggling or just looking for access to greater joy, I would love to write with you! I teach privately, but I also teach at the Center for Creative Writing. Here is a direct link to my course, "Writing through Trauma to Truth". The next session begin July 27!

All classes are customized to your personal experience and needs.

The truth is I really do want to write with you. There is nothing I find more fulfilling. So let's connect and make it happen.

Looking forward,
