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I Am We Are Paradigm and Relationships = A Personal Statement For The Spiritual Challenge


Having a nice Monday?

I am here to talk a bit about the path that some of us might have taken in this new paradigm...I Am We and united.
I want to answer the contest in a very subjective time-related manner. My answer is for now. It illustrates what Spirituality means to me at this moment. It's not about the path I have taken and its challenges and lessons or about the future. So, beyond a linear timeline, I am focusing on Hic et Nunc, here and now.

Image source Thank you, @naturalmedicine, @miriannalis, @lotusshares for this chance!
Last week, I have been writing lots of articles on this subject but not in this tribe.
Here is the link if you're a Hive friend and wish to participate in this challenge: @naturalmedicine/win-50-hive-and-more-enter-until-saturday-17-april

If you are like me, then you have probably been trying to WAKE PEOPLE UP for years now. We don’t give up! We go on, and on, and on, about what the world is really like, why they should:

  • Stop watching TV, especially the news and talk shows.
  • Stop drinking alcohol and taking drugs for pleasure.
  • Stop vaccinating.
  • Stop eating non-nutritional foods.
  • Realize that governments are there for their own benefit and not ours.
  • Take charge of our own discernment and trust on our own capacity to figure out truth from untruth.
  • Step out of the victim/aggressor cycle.
  • Become empowered, awake, conscious, responsive individuals.
  • Look for and, or, create high-frequency work, educational systems, social groups.

    The list is LONG.

Experience and practices...

Well, I've stopped it!

I'm guiding only those people that come to me to ask me for that, or for help or for simple words. I don't intrude anymore. I don't offer help where I am not asked. I don't practice negative empathy anymore, but I do generate lots of compassion acts in practice ways where I am asked. I'm not telling anyone what to do without a mutual agreement, before I am asked or before I ask that person if he/or she needs my help.
For those that stay on low frequencies: I don’t try to wake them up, help them, guide them or do anything that they have clearly stated they are not interested in.

The time to wake people up IS OVER for me. I need to heal and gather my life=force back. I have been a giver, now I can offer gifts :) gifts of change.

Now IS THE TIME TO UNITE, with those who are already awake. It is time to get me together with others who are ready and willing to create the new social systems we so desperately need. It is time to get active in finding and joining with the HIGH-FREQUENCY PEOPLE on the planet.

Yes… I can keep relationships with sleepers, but I'll not be pushing my views on them. Simply enjoy them for who they are and what they have chosen. Minimize my exposure to fear-mongering sleepers in my life and instead of increasing my exposure to awakened and responsive co-creators who are actively embodying the New Paradigm.



What last week reminded me here in #Hive and what I could also suggest to you:

  • Keep all interactions high frequency! This means “respond” and don’t “react”.
  • Research for and join high-frequency social creation groups.
  • Watch out for spiritual predators
  • So, it is time to UNITE WITH HIGH-FREQUENCY PEOPLE and to leave the sleepers alone

How about you? Where are you, right now? How are you changing, shifting, transforming your life?

With love,

PS: THANK YOU for reading!
I am inviting @maylenasland and @ydecelis18, new users, to participate in this challenge!

~ me loving the Goji plantation