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How To Remove Meat From Your Diet

The first thing you must understand when making a drastic diet change is that you must do so gradually. You do not want to shock your system by a too abrupt removal of meat. Taking a year to go from the average carnivore’s diet to that of the vegan is the correct process to wean your system and your psyche from consumption of meat.

Begin casually. The first month is where you experiment with vegetarian alternatives, try out new recipes, haphazardly. Your body will not experience any sense of change because you are pretty much eating today as you did two weeks ago, although you’ve had a veggie burger for lunch instead of a beef burger, or a bowl of cereal for breakfast instead of bacon and eggs. Keep a record of what you eat, how many times you eat in a day, what you usually eat, what you’re using to substitute, so that you gain a good record of your diet.

During this first month, learn the use and preparation of tofu, vegemince, and proper nutrition.

At the end of the month, take a washout. Castor Oil is useful.


During your second month you begin your regime.

Consult your diary of last month’s meals and snacks, and remove one meat meal a day. If you usually eat three meals a day, and it is normally a cereal breakfast, meat for lunch, meat for dinner, remove one of those meat meals. If you only have two meals a day, one can be meat. If you only eat once a day, you go to two meat meals, one vegetarian, so that every week you eat meat no more than five times.

At the end of this month, it is another wash out, and you step up your regime to the removal of pork and beef from your diet. Decrease the number of meat meals per week. On a standard three meals a day where you have replaced breakfast meat with cereal, move to replace lunch with a salad. If you eat twice a day, have meatless days, so that every other day you eat meat. If you only eat once a day, move to eating meat every other day.

Monitor your snacks. Have no meat snacks at all.

Begin your fourth month with another washout, and a further reduction in meat consumption. Remove all meat but fowl and fish from your diet. For those who have three meals a day, make every other day a meatless day. For those who have two or one, increase the number of vegetarian meals to exceed that of meat meals.


What you are trying to do is slowly remove meat from your body, avoid feeling deprived of your meat fix. You need your body to adapt to a new regime, as grains will assist in digestion so that you will find yourself going to the bathroom more often and easier. You will learn how to prepare vegetarian meals that taste great. You will notice your complexion improving and the scent of your sweat becoming less offensive.

Begin your fifth month as you did the previous transitions, with a wash out. It is very important that you cleanse your system. Each month of the regime is heralded by a cleansing.

This month is usually when you begin to ‘cheat’. You are dying for a steak or a ham sandwich, a hotdog or some other item. As your body is not going to be ‘used to’ this intrusion you will find that it will constipate you, give you a bellyache, or make you feel wrong, when you eat it. And that it doesn’t taste as fantastic as you thought it would.

Have meat only two meals a week. Treat fish as a vegetable for now, so do not count it as meat. These meals should be lean chicken or a turkey product. Chicken Chow Mein counts as Meat, as does any meal which has any meat at all.

This is the time you have to check your protein/vitamin/mineral intake. Too many people create a non-meat diet for themselves which does not provide the necessary nutrition. Eating dark green vegetables with tomatoes and carrots is a virtual vitamin pill, as each of these provides the necessary nutrients to activate the others. Beans and nuts have protein, make sure to eat a lot of them. Constantly check the value of the foods you are eating. Being a vegetarian doesn’t mean removing the slab of meat from a plate containing a baked potato and peas. It means having a tofu cutlet or slice of vegesteak in that space.

If you feel tired or unwell, you may have created a deficiency. This does not mean you must reintroduce meat, this means that you increase the consumption of other products which have the necessary nutrients.


The sixth month is where you cease to eat meat. Begin with a washout, and avoid meat. You may still be eating eggs, you may be eating fish, but no seafood. Limit the consumption of eggs and fish. Stop using salt. Once there is no meat in your diet the need for salt diminishes. If you do eat meat during this period, either because of a craving or being at some function, eat very little. Your body will no longer be accustomed to processing meat, and constipation is a real possibility.

As you move into the seventh month, you may believe you’ve made it, but do not discard all fish from your diet. Continue to eat it one or twice a month, use eggs in cooking no more than three times in a month. The fish and eggs are aberrations, for your diet is mostly vegetarian.

Many people will maintain dairy products, cheese and milk and yoghurt. Others will not. Those who wish to remove these products do so at this time, slowly retracting as your body has come to depend upon them.

By the eight month you will have decided how far you want to go. You may discard fish and eggs and dairy products at this time. You may want to maintain them. It is up to you. How you feel.

You may think you’ve made it, but give yourself four months more before claiming to have fully discarded meat. You may find yourself craving some meat item, consuming meat products in stews or soups. Be conscious of this, and don’t give up, just recognize it, and give yourself permission. Too many people feel that one burger heralds the failure of the diet. It doesn’t You are only in the eight month of a twelve month program.

During the period Month Eight - Month Twelve when you are in the final phase of your diet, become conscious of what you are eating. Use olive oil, not the lesser kinds and avoid frying foods where possible. Experiment with seasonings and different kinds of preparation. Adapt your favorite recipes. If you haven’t remove salt from your diet as well as fizzy drinks. Drink pure fruit juices or water. Avoid sugar and don’t use those sugar substitutes. Learn to enjoy the natural taste of things.

During these last four months you will decide if you will retain or discard fish, eggs and diary. Some persons who are otherwise vegetarian do occasionally eat fish, do eat products which have some egg in them, do use a little butter and eat yoghurt. These items do not destroy a substantially vegan diet if they are used with moderation.

By taking it slowly, by allowing for ‘backsliding’, by monitoring your nutrition, in one year you will be weaned from meat, experience all the health benefits and none of the losses.