Curious about Celery Juice? 9 Tips to get started!

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Celery juice has some tremendous health benefits which can help you overcome conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, constipation, bloating, diarrhea, adrenal fatigue, memory issues, brain fog, emotional challenges, vertigo, chronic fatigue, headaches and migraines, hypertension, insomnia, loss of libido, reproductive disorders, weight gain/loss and more.

On my personal journey, with the power of celery juice I was able to clear up my skin, increase my energy levels, tackle neurological issues and more. I don't want to miss it in my daily routine anymore.

So here are a few tips if you are curious how celery juice can benefit your health and happiness:

1. Organic vs. conventional

Choose organic if possible. If that's not available, conventional is also fine - simply make sure to wash it properly.

2. Wash thoroughly

After cutting off the end pieces, I soak the celery for 15min in warm water with a natural soap (I use Dr. Bronner). Afterwards, I wash off any leftover soap with water and rinse it again with filtered water.

3. Keep it straight

To reap the full health benefits, don't add any additional ingredients but keep it pure celery. This way, you won't dilute the medicinal properties of the juice.

4. How much?

16oz is a good amount to make use of its benefits - you usually need to juice 1 bunch for this, depending on the size, freshness and yield of your juicer. If that is too much for you in the beginning, start with less until you are ready for larger amounts. If you feel comfortable with 16oz and want to increase its power, work yourself up to 24-32oz.

5. On empty stomach

Right in the morning before you've eaten anything, drink the celery juice on your empty stomach. This way, you get the most out of the celery juice. You can drink some water or lemon juice beforehand, simply wait 15-30min in between, before having the celery juice.

6. It's an addition

Celery juice is not there to replace your breakfast. This is like a supplement that you use additionally to your everyday meals.

7. Strain it

Having leftover pulp in your juice just doesn't taste good. Strain the juice beforehand to make this experience as enjoyable as possible for you.

8. Drink right away

Juices tend to loose their nutritional power after processing. Drink the celery juice right away to get the most out of it.

9. What about breakfast?

Wait 15-30min before having your next meal to give the celery juice time to work its magic before adding new food to your system.


If you want to avoid the juice to get bitter, you can cut off the leaves beforehand. Also opt for bigger stalks which tend to be milder in their flavour as well. This way, it tastes so much better which can make it easier for you to make this a sustainable everyday habit.

So if you are curious about how celery juice could improve your life, I hope these tips can get you started!

Have a great day!

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