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Hi #hive friend and @NaturalMedicine.
This is my entry on #PlantPowerCookingChallenge.

Are you familiar with Indian masala dosa ?. If the answer is no, I will introduce you, one of my favourite dish MASALA DOSA

let's cook,
The main ingredients are:

  • Rice.

  • potato.

  • carrot.

  • Papaya.

  • Take 2 cups of Rice and 6-7 table spoon of Vigna Mungo.

  • After washing soak it for 1 hour.
    We can also use Uradal and methi seed if we needed. I never use those in my dish so I'm not preferring it.

  • After 1 hr drawn water from it and add both the rice and Vigna mungo to a jar to battle with 1 1/4 of water. Here we need to add 1 table spoon of yeast. Blend them to a batter. The batter must not thick or very smooth.

  • Later pour it into a clean vessel for fermentation. The fermentation may usually took 6-8 hrs. It will depends on the temperature.


  • Wash the vegetables and slice it into desired shapes.
    Potato, Carrot, Papaya.

  • Heat the pan with 1 table spoon of oil. Add 1 table spoon of mustard.
    Add some cumin for a good smell.

Later add some sliced onion and some curry leaf. When the onions changes slightly brown add the vegetables into it along with turmeric and salt.
After 2 or 3 minutes add some coriander leaf if needed. I don't like coriander so I'm not adding it.


Heat the pan and pour the batter into it.

Add 1/2 table spoon of oil through the edges.
While the dosa turns brown place the prepared masala on it with coconut chutney

Coconut chutney.

  • Griend the coconut and blend it in a jar.
  • Later mix with Onion, Chilly, and curry leaf which is semi cooked coconut in oil.

And it is ready....
You can roll it as your desired shape.

I hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you @JustinParke for conducting this challenge.
Share your views in my comment box.📝