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Mindful Monday - Mind and Brain Connection...

Did I learn a lot from neuroscientist, Dr. Caroline Leaf as she explains the brain and mind connection in this video that I would whole heartedly recommend!

I was fascinated with this very in depth conversation with Dr. Caroline Leaf and Patrick Bet-David giving such clarity to what is going on in our conditioned selves with knowledge that we can take to help understand the unconditioned state. She talks a lot about mental health and our emotional and physical health, how to manage mental health with tips and tools for better emotional and physical health.

She begins by taking a look at why there are some negative people and some positive people with her example being

Why do some people see the glass as half full while others see it as half empty?

Dr. Leaf is showing us the difference between mind and body and the surprising thing she mentioned is

that although the brain and the body are made of about seventy five to a hundred trillion cells that is only 1% of who you are so the 99% of who you are as a human is this mind

And it is the mind that makes us unique. What ever interest we have will give our brains the potential for growth.

It's very interesting to get the scientific view of the workings of the brain where Dr. Leaf has been able to show us the brain firing and speaks of the conscious thoughts which every 10 seconds we can catch these thoughts
Where as the unconscious mind thought is going all the time! At the unconscious level Dr. leafs says

we operate at ten to the 17 which is about 400 billion plus actions per second!

She shows how the brain is very responsive and always changing, that we are a universe of thoughts! (Like the old saying you are what you think!)

Through her studies she has found that if you do something for 63 day or more you build a pathway through the brain and it begins to look something like building trees.

Imagine if you have had a habit for years how many pathways you have created!

The trees built if you are positive is different than if you are negative. With the negativity bringing toxicity.

But the good thing, with the neuroplasicity of the brain we can make changes and realizing that whatever we think about is going to be what grows.

So let's just stand back for a bit and observe.

Can you see if you are thinking negatively?

It's important to own your thoughts, feelings and choices.
Your brain responds to you and is unique to you and it is through this thinking, feeling and choosing that it develops.
And we are thinking feeling and choosing moment by moment of everyday

How you use your mind effects the brain. We need to manage our mind. Everything that we process, take in, will effect our mind and in society today it seems we are very busy and not managing our minds very well.

When your mind is being managed well you have a mindset that is seeing opportunities and learning. You can build your brain. Dr. Leaf suggests we spend one to two hours every day learning something new and learning it so well you can teach it. Plus have deep intellectual thoughts.

If you discover that you are having negative thought patterns Dr. Leaf set up 5 steps to break down toxic paths in the brain and these 5 steps you can use to build your brain too.

These five steps are:

  1. Gather. It's an investigative process.
  2. Deeply Reflect - go deep into trying to track trends, patterns. Embrace the physical and emotional indicators you may find.
  3. Genetically Process - Get your brain writing! Write it out, get it out and written down.
  4. Recheck. See what little task you can do for the day. Make it a tiny task, some activity you can do to make progress bit by bit.
  5. Active Reach. This works on the principal that what you don't think about doesn't grow. So if you are worrying about something put it aside for a number of hours then get back to it later. You will find after about 6 hours or whatever you felt comfortable with extending it to, after those hours pass it has lost some power. Heck! 95% of worries don't even materialize at all!

She went on to talk of mental illness which only in recent times has been referred to as illnesses, before they were mental issues and really they are mismanagement of the mind.

In regards to physical illness she describes how the brain, thoughts, drive genomes, physically making over 800,000 cells every second and the quality of those is based on your perceptions - do you see the glass half full or half empty.

She spoke of trauma which we all experience, we all have our stories. With having our stories validated, have them heard we can re-conceptualize them with the 5 steps mentioned above and redesign them. This is not to be done alone but in community. You know when someone reaches out to you your brain changes, it switches on and that will increase your resilience.

We are made of love, wired for love and we reside in a field of love. And if you look inside you will find there is a genius in all of us!

I only touched on some of the points covered in this video but you will find there is a whole lot more and in much greater depth. And if you listen to the whole things that can be counted as your 1 - 2 hours of learning for the day to grow your mind!

Think Learn and Succeed: Understanding and Using Your Mind to Thrive at School, the Workplace, and Life

I was really taken by what Dr. Leaf had to say that I went out and bought her book Think Learn and Succeed where she talks about technology, hearts, changing thinking, 15 different mindsets, the five steps I mentioned here and how to build your brain (that's what I want to know!)

Who knows after I finish reading the book I may have another post to write about - perhaps on building of the brain!

Thanks for stopping by!

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