My tips or steps to help take care of mother earth.

First of all thanks to @pavanjr and @holisticmom who organized this new challenge and of course to the community for their support to this new initiative.

Our Mother Earth..png

Here is my answer to 3. What are the tips and steps could you offer others, to support the care of the Earth?

Well I think one of the best ways to take care of our mother earth; first would be to reduce pollution.

1: Let's plant 1 or more trees for our land.

2: Let's try not to use polluting means of transportation such as motorcycles, automobiles, and so on.

3: Let's use more bicycles that are not pollutants and that provide wellness to our health.

4: We can start in the world of recycling, with vegetable waste, vegetables and organic materials we can make compost for our plants; with non-organic materials such as iron, rubber and etc, we can make chairs, tables, tools, among other things. We just have to search the Internet to find out what we can do with these materials. Come on, let's not wait any longer, let's start to exploit our imagination and take advantage of it to take care of our mother earth, It deserves that we all put our grain of sand and together we can create a mountain of benefits for us and our beloved mother earth.

I encourage you to perform each of the steps and as you can see they are very easy to do.

Well, don't wait any longer, every minute counts. So motivated to show that we truly love our mother earth.


It is a fact that if we can get our family and friends together with their families to reduce pollution and join recycling, we can notice great changes in our environment and our mother earth. Achieving great benefits not only for the land, but also for our physical and mental health.

These are some of the benefits we can achieve.

  1. Cleaner and more pleasant air to breathe. Along with this benefit we could notice that some diseases will disappear.

  2. As we make these steps and turn them into a daily routine we will be able to see the changes in our environment and I assure you that you will benefit from better mental health, you will feel better about yourself.

  3. If we manage to use bicycles more than motor vehicles, be it our own cars, motorcycles or buses, We will be able to further reduce the greenhouse effect which is a fact that is happening and another benefit of cycling is that it helps to improve our physical health.

  4. By us recycling of vegetables and greens we will be able to compost and fertilize our plants and see them develop better.

  5. We can see that our children or pets play and grow up in a cleaner environment free of some possible diseases.

These are some of the benefits that can be achieved by following the simple steps mentioned above.

There is nothing else that makes you feel proud and satisfied to see your efforts pay off.

The images were created with paint and are my creation.

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