The Never Again Manual for a Better Life



Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you. All self-improvement is about living that great lesson. Do you want it any simpler than that? All choices are sacred. Define who we are. Therefore, always pay attention: every gesture or word is a seed of discord or peace. Pay attention to the Never Again Manual. It is like the signs that protect the driver on the road.

Never despair or lament.

Problems, conflicts or tragedies should always be seen as valuable lessons, necessary for the advancement of all involved. A sharper and more sincere vision of what happened in the past will be a subtle invitation for the learning you rejected. The universe does not want suffering, because you are part of it. It needs your evolution. We know that even the most complacent students need the most rigorous teachers to help them move up a level. It is enough that you move in the direction of life for the whole landscape to change. Life moves towards light and love. Without the darkness of the cocoon the caterpillar would not understand its own wings.

Never complain to others.

How can we demand perfection from others if we cannot offer it ourselves? We are apprentices. Each one of us with our acquired virtues and our difficulties to overcome. All of them, without exception. Each one with their own beautiful story, full of conquests and frustrations. Pains and delights. The planet, like a perfect classroom, places us together so that we can teach some and learn with others, in perfect synchrony and interdependence among beings.

Never accept a privilege.

All privilege stems from the age-old concept of domination and superiority. It is the old-fashioned idea that some people are better or more important than others. The Never Again Manual, always applying equality, brings with it the true feeling of justice, the one that has as its main objective social pacification through individual peace. As long as there are privileges there will be differences. Where there are differences there will be discord and conflict. All evils, of different sizes and origins, have at their root the germ of privilege that contaminates the tree and its fruit.




Every warrior is a nagual. In Toltec mythology, the nagual is the "impeccable warrior". It is the person who does not measure efforts or make excuses to postpone the perfection of being. He is always ready to offer the best of himself. The nagual knows that the wisest of speeches will always be one's own example. Attitude speaks a tone above the verb. Therein lies its unwavering strength.

You are free to do absolutely anything you want. Light and shadow will always be at your disposal. This is the infinite generosity of the Universe. However, have the maturity to accept the just consequences of your choices. This is the enormous wisdom of the Way. The Law of Action and Reaction is relentless and it could be no different. Not for the purpose of punishment, but for the purpose of teaching. Life has an inexorable commitment to evolution.




The "The Never Again Manual" is intended to help those who want to continue the journey but, for some reason, have lost their way. Serves to keep the wanderer on the road until he finds his destination again. To stop feeding the shadows is good but it is not enough. However, it is essential to start the alignment with the light.

Blessings and much love. ♥




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