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Unpopular Ideas | Deadly Vaccines as Compassionate Catalyst for Humanity's Future

I stumbled on an idea recently that is quite shocking and unpopular because it presupposes certain views that we usually don't take for granted in truther circles. And so I would like to share it with you here precisely because it is so seldomly talked about, but really worth our consideration even at the risk of downvotes ;)

If you are of a faint heart or unable to consider differing viewpoints from your own this article might not be for you...

Many truthseekers are of the opinion that a certain gang in power wants humanity dead, that they allegedly want to reduce the world's population to a minimum. Truthseekers feel shunned and often ridiculed by their normie peers and we got no real backup from the media either, as it is all part of the same manipulation octupus ostracizing anyone who goes against the grain of mainstream opinion.

Many truthseekers feel they are really the main target of this nefarious agenda because truthers are generally frowned upon and fought by the herd and popular opinion, so much so that we feel unwanted or even threatened.

But is that really the case? If we are honest about it, who exactly is it that is threatened these days?

Ask yourself: if the aim of the gang really was to kill off all the people who ask questions, who remain vigilant in their pursuit of learning the truth and who want to build a better world for all of humanity in opposition to the gang and their "nefarious plans"... then how exactly do vaccines come into play here? It's illogical...

I mean really, it seems that the only people who will not suffer the detrimental effects of these poison viles are the ones who refuse to take it. Those who make their own choice about not accepting this violation of their bodies and spirits. Pretty much anyone aware enough to see through the dangers of vaccines.

On the flipside, those who still believe it could ever be mandatory to poison oneself on the basis of pure superstition and religious faith (like those who firmly believe that the vaccine helps or that there is such a thing as a pathogenic virus to begin with)... well those people might not be conducive to building a freedom-loving world of self-ownership, precisely because they so desperately hang on to and defend the concept of obligatory violation of free individuals.

The people who rat out their neighbors to the cops because they refuse to wear masks or meet up despite an alleged "prohibition" to do so... those people may not be helpful in building a world based on trust and self-ownership either, precisely because they make themselves complicit in injustice and violation of those who want to choose how to live for themselves.

So here is the audatious and hugely unpopular idea - ready?

Maybe, just maybe... the aim of this whole charade with this boogeyman virus is... to get rid of people. But not of those who resist and make up their own minds about reality and their own moral code... but of those who blindly go along with all these violations of their sovereignty, who snitch on their fellow man and who choose the immoral route again and again because they really believe such an evil deed could ever be mandated by any authority.

This view brings with it some rather harsh implications... for one, it would mean that the people who originated this plan would have both good intentions for the future of humanity, and at the same time no scruples in potentially decimating huge amounts of credulous people in the process. People who - as shockingly as it may sound from this view - are an obstacle to a better future. Ouch!

The only difference to direct decimation of people is: With this boogeyman virus and the so-called vaccine... people choose it freely and according to their own level of awareness, precisely because it is not mandatory nor can it ever be made so. It couldn't strictly be called "murder" either, more like luring people into a deadly illusion they choose on their own accord for the best of intentions but fail completely to question the basis of. Falling for a trick, being a fool like the one in the tarot deck, blindly and naively trotting towards the abyss, ignoring all warnings.

But really it is quite easy to see that the people who go along with the popular narrative of the virus and its accompanying "measures" are wrong, here is why:

Since you don't have the right to force anyone to bring harm upon himself, nor could any government ever have that right, cause where would they have gotten it? If governments are an extension of the rights of any individual that voted for them, no such act of physical violation could ever be obligatory - because not a single voter has that right.

But to those who firmly believe that the media and politics narrative is actually true, that humanity is being threatened by some ominous invisible virus noone has ever seen and who feel they need to protect themselves by injecting stuff they would never ever pour into a cocktail glass voluntarily... I really feel for them. Mainly because they mean so well but are so barking up the wrong tree, fundamentally.

I wish people all the best in these difficult times and I really hope we all get through it to come out stronger on the other end. I want people to live and learn, all of us, I really do.

That however does not completely rule out the weird scenario listed above.

Maybe someone - whoever it is - has kicked off a season of trials and tribulations on Earth. A test of whether we fall for the charade and give our freedom, health and sovereignty away freely or whether we have grown up enough to make up our mind, make our own choices and stand by them firmly even when a storm is blowing all around us... And refuse to become complicit in these crimes of violation.

It would mean that the originators of this nefarious plan have instigated this weird scenario on Earth ultimately out of compassion and the desire to build a more mature and free world in the long term, going about it in a "the ends justify the means" sort of way. But leaving it up to any single individual to decide for themselves now...

I am not saying that this is definitely how it is, but I do like to listen to all sorts of ideas, especially if they go against "what everyone knows". And let's face it, this is something noone really talks about among all the noise and complacency around the boogeyman virus and ever more increasing draconic measures. The idea that this whole virus charade might have been inserted into the consciousness of humanity purposefully in order to separate the wheat from the chaff, those who will ruin themselves based on their own credulity and weakmindedness and those who resist and pass the bullshit test...

What do you think?

Wouldn't this explain a lot of what we are witnessing these days? And could this ever conceivably be pinned on the gang who rolled out such a damaging agenda - in order to save humanity in the end by forcing it to grow up or die? Like a cruel executor who in the end does it out of compassion?

If so, is that really true compassion - sacrificing the weak so that humanity can become strong in the long run? And will it work, can it work like that?

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