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Laughter Is The Best Medicine 😂 Hive Humor Challenge

Hello friends how are you I hope you all are healthy and happy and living your happy life!

Thanks a lot to @naturalmedicine and team for the contest.

Today I want to share an old incident with you which is from my school life and is funny. Listening to you will definitely laugh, it seems to me that if you do not laugh, then laughing, laughing reduces many diseases.
This is about the time when we were in class seven or eight and at that time in games period one of my friend named Pramod broke a tree branch!
Seeing this, the teacher of our games got angry and started saying to Pramod why did you break the branch of the tree and start beating and scolding him.
Sir again started saying like you broke the branch of this tree, in the same way stick this tine in the tree.

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My friend came running to class and started telling another friend of mine that someone will have a cello tape. My friend asked why Pramod started saying that Sir is saying like Teni sticks to him in the same way, everyone laughed after hearing this and Pramod was upset that how should I stick it and we were laughing whenever I used to remember this sentence. So it reminds me of the best moments of school which makes me laugh.

If you like to take part in the contest then join just by the link here

Thank you