Good morning @naturalmedicine!

Thank you for allowing me to share this important information about one of our traditional herbs from the mountain of the Philippines.


In my province Bohol, Philippines, it is called sinaw-sinaw and ulasimang-bato in Tagalog.

After I searched on google, according to Wikipedia it is called Peperomia Pellucida.

As I read the traditional use of these herbs, I found that it is good for people having uric acid and gout problems. To be honest, I could not believe these benefits. I don't try using it and I never hear it before. It is just an ordinary grass growing around the house or farm most especially in cold places. It grows near beside or under the stone.

A long time ago when I was a teenager, way back in 1984, my cousin was diagnosed with dengue fever. It was a kind of disease caused by mosquito bites. My cousin was the first victim in our place. and there was no vaccine yet on that year. My cousin almost dies but using these herbs, his platelet returned to normal. My cousin was still 2 years old at that time and fighting for his life. We admitted him in the city but the doctor had nothing to do instead of giving antibiotics and pain reliever but it didn't help the platelet went up.

Dengue fever was like coronavirus19 of today that people afraid of. Many people died but now it is already ordinary.

Our old neighbor told us to boiled peperomia pellucida and let him drink like water. Instead of giving water, the parent gave him the water of the boiled herbs. It worked and the doctor was surprised.

The doctor had nothing to say, there was no evidence that it could heal a dengue patient. But they knew and noticed it in front of their eyes.

The parent insisted to continue on giving the child while being treated in the hospital. They signed a waiver that, it was their will to let the child drink the boiled water from the herbs.

How many times he was giving blood but platelet didn't go up. That was just the thing I remember since it happened almost 40 years ago.

In the long run of time, dengue has a vaccine and pharmaceutical medication. But we the people in the province, we literally use the traditional medication before going to the doctor. Hospitalization in our place costs a lot of money.

We encouraged everyone if there is a sign of dengue fever, the patient should be given first these herbs. Also, the papaya leaves will do. Before any complication from the immune system of the child, it is easy to cure by this kind of herbs.

The only simple procedure is to boil a lot, a casserole full of clean sinaw-sinaw herbs from root to the top of the tiny plant. The whole part of the herbs will be boiled for 15 minutes and we can serve it to the patient.


This picture was taken by me during my vacation last January 2019 in my native homeland Loon, Bohol Philippines. It grows in tropical places probably in a cold under shady land with rocks.

For more information about these herbs, please check the source below according to Wikipedia.

Thank you for reading and I hope you find it interesting most especially when it comes to helping a dengue patient.


It's me,


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