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Newly discovered cassava leaf as a vegetable, And a quick check of my Cassava farmland

Perhaps one of the things i enjoyed about the compulsory lockdown last year was i had enough time to try out some new things about farming.

  • prior before this, i plant more of vegetables and some fruits, but due to last year freedom i had to add other things which made me plant some cassava. Cassava which is shrubby and perennial crop.

There is no doubt cassava has numerous importance, cassava is processed into different things, like garri, cassava flour, cassava can also be eaten as food,boiled,fried or roasted.and for those who plant on a large scale they can decide to export some thereby making more money doing so.


And lately i just got to know just like pumpkins or spinach leaf, cassava leaf can also be eaten as vegetables if properly also its root,

  • the toxins must be removed from the leaves before eaten though.
    So the process is, the cassava leaves is boiled in a hot water and the leaves are squeezed to remove all toxins from the leaves, then pounded in a mortar. This is so important so as to remove all toxins from the leafs or can be blended and ingredients like egg plant onion,celery leaf and blended peanuts. I've not had time to prepare this myself but I ate it from a friend who's just introducing this to me, i must say its really a good sauce, good to eat.
    Amazingly, eating cassava roots,stem or leaves have numerous importance, it does cure wounds, improves vision, its a fibre and contain some nutrients, protein sugar,fat and carbohydrates. Mostly carbohydrates gives energy to the body.




On getting to the farm, it's rather a disappointing one for me, as the plants are stunted in growth, i'd planted in july, but i could understand the rain hasnt been steady, at some point it stopped raining last year.


I was quick to make another ridges in preparation for the new planting season, this time i will focus on plants that could benefits from my cassava one way or the other, i have plan of growing beans,maize and some tomatoes. The rain hasnt started properly and i'd carefully observed to know which crop would thrive more under this weather.

Again, am also making use of my old farmland to grow more herbs this time, since i wouldn't have to make use of mechanized tools, it will be less expensive with greater output as herbs are easily come by and grow