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Dragon Fruit and Pineapple Juice, There are Many Benefits For The Body

I think I like pineapple. This time I made pineapple juice with dragon fruit. Before I share the juice combination that I made, I want to share the benefits of pineapple. Dragon fruit is one of the fruits that grows in the tropics, such as Indonesia. In Indonesia, there are two varieties found, namely the red dragon and the white dragon.

Dragon Fruit has vitamins and minerals. Starting from vitamin E to magnesium. even, in some sources that I read, dragon fruit that contains lycopene. Lycopin is a carotene group compound that gives fruit its red color. Lycopene has antioxidant properties that can prevent free radicals. In addition to lycopene, dragon fruit contains betalains and hydroxycinnamates. The amount of content, making dragon fruit has benefits for our bodies. Are you curious?


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

1#. Controlling sugar content in the body.

For those of you who have problems with blood sugar, you can consume dragon fruit regularly. Dragon fruit contains fiber which can help control blood sugar. Dragon fruit can suppress sugar spikes that occur after a person eats high glycemic foods.

2#. Relieves cough and flu

I've had a cough and flu, I regularly consume dragon fruit. Turns out, I had a cough and flu. Dragon fruit contains vitamin C which can strengthen your immune system. This is what can speed up your recovery when you are blue and coughing.

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

3#. Lose weight

For those of you who want to lose weight, you can choose dragon fruit as your healthy snack. Dragon fruit has a lot of healthy and low calorie content. So, it is safe for those of you who are on a diet. By consuming high fiber and low calories, you can feel fuel longer. You can also avoid obesity.

4#. Improve digestive system health

The fiber links in dragon fruit can also control bowel movements. So, you can prevent constipation. In addition, dragon fruit contains oligosaccharides. This oligosaccharide is a good prebiotic for the digestive system.

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

5#. Reduce acne

I once made a mask from dragon fruit. How to make it quite easy. You can make dragon fruit paste. After that, you can rub it on the skin that is red due to acne. You can do it for two days. I already explained that dragon fruit has vitamin c. Vitamin C is useful for reducing acne.

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

Combination of Pineapple and Dragon Fruit

How to make juice? Are you curious? Sometimes I just add dragon fruit to my juice. But, last week, I loved pineapple. So, I added pineapple. I also added jam to add sweetness to the juice. The ingredients you mix in the blender. Here's the combination.

1#. Pineapple, to taste. you can adjust according to your taste.

2#. Dragon Fruit, to taste. you can set according to your taste.

3#. One teaspoon of strawberry jam

4#. Water, to taste.

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

About Author

Nurdiani Latifah

My name is Nurdiani Latifah. I currently live in Jakarta – Indonesia, after 25 years I live in Bandung. I am a media staff at an NGO in Indonesia. I have worked in this institution for almost 2 years on issues of women and peace. I had been a journalist in Bandung for 3 years.

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