The Beauty of Being Awakened

Image by Marisa04 from Pixabay

The Awakening of our conscious mind makes us love and respect those who sleep around us, walking on tiptoe, respecting their dream until they decide to do it, and when they open their eyes they will see the brightness of our eyes, helping them to wake up without needing anything.

Our awakening fills us with magic in our life because we see everything under a new prism. We see our loved ones divine before our eyes.

Our awakening will not be in the eyes of others but it will make us perfect before our own eyes.

We will discover the power we have and responsibility for the consequences of our acts and choices.

Awakened consciousness raises us without the need to be right because there is no desire to have it. We love ourselves as we are, with our limitations, with our experiences and we love others in the same way.

We love all existence, with all the nuances, and we recognize that life is a sacred act because it is the creation of God in each of us.

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